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Did you know that JFK spelt backwards is KFJ…..which are the first letters in the words Knife, Football and Jew……coincidence ?……I think not ! 

I like Joe Rogan, but he smokes a good bit of weed, which (imo) makes him a bit prone to buying into the odd conspiracy theory or two ?

If it was an effective way to make significant amounts of rain, then wouldn’t we see it used regularly to fight or stop the spread of wild fires? Fires in the last few years in California for example,

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  On 28/11/2022 at 13:35, gnasher16 said:

Totally agree with that i mean it cant be a coincidence how many " conspiracy theorists " have shown up since the start of the internet.....people who could barely tie their own shoe laces now have strong opinions on stuff they never even knew existed before the internet.....a pal of mine who buys into all that stuff tried telling me the other week that Paul McCartney actually died in the 60's !.....likewise the JFK thing....he didnt even know who JFK was before the internet,now he knows to the exact mm the path of the magic bullet?........as i keep saying to him,get some f****n hobbies for crying out loud !


It’s linked to the barefoot appearance of Paul McCartney on the cover of I think abbey road , there was apparently a Paul Macartney look alike contest and one of the songs on sgt peppers contains the refrain “Paul Is dead” …we might have the same friend , mine was also obsessed with that particular nonsense also 

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  On 29/11/2022 at 11:18, Neobliviscaris1776 said:

I was alluding to why it has the number 19 and not say 20 to represent 2020 when the outbreak began.

In actual fact the outbreak began way back in 2019 and not in 2020 and was hushed up by the WHO, hence it is officially named COVID 19 and not COVID 20.



It wasn't a joke pesky it was just a fact!?

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  On 29/11/2022 at 11:18, Neobliviscaris1776 said:

I was alluding to why it has the number 19 and not say 20 to represent 2020 when the outbreak began.

In actual fact the outbreak began way back in 2019 and not in 2020 and was hushed up by the WHO, hence it is officially named COVID 19 and not COVID 20.




19 = 1st and 9th letter of the alphabet - A.I

A.I and 5G rolling out?

Another coincidence? ?

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  On 30/11/2022 at 15:44, chartpolski said:

Im supprised there's not more contrails in the sky when an airport like Heathrow has around 1,300 take offs and landings per day, about one every 45 seconds, not to mention all the other airports.



Was a non conspiracy theorist posting on fb near me as it’s not normally a flight path nearest airports 40 mile either direction 

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