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Cloud seeding?

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Did you know that JFK spelt backwards is KFJ…..which are the first letters in the words Knife, Football and Jew……coincidence ?……I think not ! 

I like Joe Rogan, but he smokes a good bit of weed, which (imo) makes him a bit prone to buying into the odd conspiracy theory or two ?

If it was an effective way to make significant amounts of rain, then wouldn’t we see it used regularly to fight or stop the spread of wild fires? Fires in the last few years in California for example,

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Think it's silver iodide they use for cloud seeding. There are theories that experiments in the 50's caused a catastrophic flood at Lynmouth in Devon in the 1950s. Pretty sure it's been debunked though. ?

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  On 26/11/2022 at 14:34, mC HULL said:

the conspiracy theorists got laughed at for decades about it and again they were spot on they can and do  control the weather 


Not exactly controlling the weather. They can ATTEMPT to make a cloud formation produce rain but only within the lifetime of that cloud, Typically a few hours. If this was repeatable and affordable the technology would be all over the Arab States. No point in producing something worth Trillions of pounds if its not being sold. This tells me it didn't and probably still isn't or never will be reliable enough to market. 

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