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Bird Flu

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1 hour ago, chartpolski said:

We've been told to lock all our poultry up in sheds, but I haven't heard of any poultry keepers local who's birds have caught bird 'flu ?

I walk a lot of countryside and haven't seen one dead bird, apart from the ones that were meant to be ??

Another over reaction ? I don't know, but my birds are pretty isolated anyway, but how on earth can you keep them isolated from wild birds ? 


Seen plenty of dead seagulls about. 

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An outbreak was reported at a local gravel pit complex in the geese population, a couple of official looking types with clip boards came up to me the last time i was fishing there, Made a point of telling me, despite the fact there's massive signs everywhere, The bloke then proceeded to ask me if i understand the rules around a bird flu outbreak.

He did not look impressed when i answered yes "Don't kiss the Ducks" 

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Genuinely think this could develop into a pretty big issue. Reports of big impacts on seabird colonies in the Spring & Summer. Now the winter migrants are arriving we’re apparently seeing an impact too. Load of dead swans found in Glasgow, and a cull on others.., bird flu the cause.


Two more birds are sick and Glasgow City Council is working on the...

Thing is these are easily noticed, but how easy will it be to see the effect on other species? Last few weeks I’ve seen a lot of dead gulls on and around the road, and two of this years young sat looking pretty poorly at the side of the road. Might be something or nothing who knows, but it was ‘unusual’ enough for me to clock it. How about the flocks of finches, starlings, thrushes, the communal roosts of corvids, wrens and many other species, the huge gatherings around feeders. Winter phenomenons which might see many birds infected, but much more difficult to see the impact on the smaller birds? 
I know it’s nature’s way, and there’s diddly we can do about it…, just hope it doesn’t hit too hard.

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