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As the chickens are all shut in under flu regs as the moment I havnt been round the sheds ,no point no chickens out so no killing or so I thought .Phone rang yesterday morning with an excited farmer o

Ben , I have a nephew who is gay , and when I say gay , he is gay and then add a bit more gay .             He is into the drag queen thing and when he goes out ( it takes him hours to get ready ) e

No, that could be potentially risky ⚡️⚡️ (not to mention messy!) 

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  On 21/11/2022 at 12:15, BenBhoy said:


No, I don't. I'm obviously not gay. But, if I was, I wouldn't be ashamed of it. I've got couple of good mates that are gay. Theyre top lads, funny, brave, can handle themselves in a scrap. All whilst being gay, can you believe!

Had another mate topped himself at 19yrs old because of the fear of it becoming common knowledge. A lad twice the man you could ever be.

You throw "gay" around as an insult, like some below average IQ school yard bully. But in reality, to people who are gay, it's not more insulting than stating any other fact about someone.

I'd sooner someone 'accused' me of being gay, than people think i was a pathetic belly crawling maggot, who gives it the big I am on the net but wouldn't say fucķ all in reality. Now crawl back under your rock you little slug. 


Ben , I have a nephew who is gay , and when I say gay , he is gay and then add a bit more gay . 
           He is into the drag queen thing and when he goes out ( it takes him hours to get ready ) everyone is staring at him . He has always been the same , he has been this “exotic Peacock “all his life.  He is an extrovert, extraordinary, over the top life and soul type . Even from being a small boy it was very obvious that he was different and wanted to do girl things . And he had a shit time at school with bully’s . It was no good trying to teach him to fight , because that wasn’t in him , but he grew tough in his own way and his wit and humour saw him through. 
           We all went on holiday to Lindos years ago for a wedding and there was a problem with some Greek guys in a bar taking the piss . And a few of us ended up in some argy Bargy  with the locals . The thing is I can see both sides . I have always told him that you are shoving it in peoples faces . But he wants to “ express himself “, and why should he change because of them . But I am 57 and I don’t like seeing gay stuff on TV like the guys on strictly , or men kissing in films . I am broad minded and respectful, but I feel that there is too much of it being pushed on us , and some of us aren’t ready for it . If you are gay , that’s fine be gay , but we don’t all want to see it . 

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  On 21/11/2022 at 23:26, shovel leaner said:

and respectful,


And that's the key bit John mate. 

I actually agree with you - I don't like seeing two fellas kissing in films etc (I've not really watched the dance show, ya poof! ??) But then I don't really like seeing a bloke & girl snogging either, and unless it's a porno, then I never feel sex scenes really add much to a good film. 

What winds me up in life is unacceptance to differences & discrimination. My son is disabled. Since having him in our lives, we've experienced proper discrimination on several occasions. And wow, it's a horrible, horrible feeling. 

If someone is decent, not a pricķ then I don't think any of the bullshiť about them should matter. 


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  On 21/11/2022 at 23:26, shovel leaner said:

 But I am 57 and I don’t like seeing gay stuff on TV like the guys on strictly , or men kissing in films . I am broad minded and respectful, but I feel that there is too much of it being pushed on us , and some of us aren’t ready for it . If you are gay , that’s fine be gay , but we don’t all want to see it . 


Exactly ?this is the problem.  Why do they feel the need to have Pride marches ? I mean does the straight community have marches to promote hetro sexuality?

The BBC and ITV feel they must ram it down our throats , well no thank you I dont want to see it.

Yes we all know it exists but I dont need to be constantly reminded.

Anyway must rush I have an appointment to get my nails done ????



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  On 21/11/2022 at 23:26, shovel leaner said:

Ben , I have a nephew who is gay , and when I say gay , he is gay and then add a bit more gay . 
           He is into the drag queen thing and when he goes out ( it takes him hours to get ready ) everyone is staring at him . He has always been the same , he has been this “exotic Peacock “all his life.  He is an extrovert, extraordinary, over the top life and soul type . Even from being a small boy it was very obvious that he was different and wanted to do girl things . And he had a shit time at school with bully’s . It was no good trying to teach him to fight , because that wasn’t in him , but he grew tough in his own way and his wit and humour saw him through. 
           We all went on holiday to Lindos years ago for a wedding and there was a problem with some Greek guys in a bar taking the piss . And a few of us ended up in some argy Bargy  with the locals . The thing is I can see both sides . I have always told him that you are shoving it in peoples faces . But he wants to “ express himself “, and why should he change because of them . But I am 57 and I don’t like seeing gay stuff on TV like the guys on strictly , or men kissing in films . I am broad minded and respectful, but I feel that there is too much of it being pushed on us , and some of us aren’t ready for it . If you are gay , that’s fine be gay , but we don’t all want to see it . 


I don’t normally involve myself with these kind of conversations because people should be who they are in my eyes

i have 2 mates that are gay, the first is a lad I grew up with and if you met him you would never know, it took until his early 20’s to come out when we’d been on a night out and we were at an after party chewing our faces off, it changed absolutely nothing, he’s just like most of my mates, likes his game shooting and has got a very nice life, the other is camper than Christmas, even his family know him as puffter Paul, you would never say it to him if you didn’t know him, he’s as hard as nails, in the mid 90’s he was jumped by 3 of the so called hard lads and he proper hurt the lot of them, so much so he got 12 months for it

I’ve also got a black, Muslim and traveller mate, surround yourself with people from different walks of life and you will find yourself given different opportunities that  wouldn’t normally come your way ?

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See, Here what i can not get my head around, I can understand (sort of) a bloke fancying Blokes rather than women, The same with women fancying women rather than men. But why then in most cases does one of the blokes in that same sex relationship then feel the need to act feminine and the same with the women, one wants to act masculine?. Does that not defeat the object somewhat?,

I can fully understand they have a right to be what ever they want but i don't believe they or anyone else has a right to force others to accept that right, This has all been taken far to far and that is what causes issues in society, 

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To me it seems a lot to do with when you grew up and who with, my old man was very much “ look at the bloody gay boys “ kind of fella but would happily sit in the pub and have a drink and a laugh with puffter Paul, I’m of the thinking you are to long dead not to be who you want to be and try to be happy. If you spend your time being annoyed with how other people live their lives when it doesn’t affect yours then maybe there’s something missing in your own life, just be happy with what you’ve got, things in life are bad enough without hating people because of how they choose to live their lives ?

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  On 22/11/2022 at 10:24, Stavross said:

To me it seems a lot to do with when you grew up and who with, my old man was very much “ look at the bloody gay boys “ kind of fella but would happily sit in the pub and have a drink and a laugh with puffter Paul, I’m of the thinking you are to long dead not to be who you want to be and try to be happy. If you spend your time being annoyed with how other people live their lives when it doesn’t affect yours then maybe there’s something missing in your own life, just be happy with what you’ve got, things in life are bad enough without hating people because of how they choose to live their lives ?


Do you not think that the majority of it nowadays is more of a fashion statement than a reality, Lass next door, goes with a bloke who is transitioning to a women, on the hormones and has bigger tits than she has. However here's the thing he don't fancy men?  in essence he wants to be a lesbian. 

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  On 22/11/2022 at 11:20, paulus said:

Do you not think that the majority of it nowadays is more of a fashion statement than a reality, Lass next door, goes with a bloke who is transitioning to a women, on the hormones and has bigger tits than she has. However here's the thing he don't fancy men?  in essence he wants to be a lesbian. 


It could well be and I’m sure many people will make decisions they will regret later in life, I don’t understand many people’s life choices but doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be able to live the way they want to, without being judged by others, I’ve always gone through life doing whatever I wanted even if others were against it so I would never have a problem with someone else living their life the way they wanted as long as they weren’t hurting anyone 

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  On 22/11/2022 at 12:51, Stavross said:

It could well be and I’m sure many people will make decisions they will regret later in life, I don’t understand many people’s life choices but doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be able to live the way they want to, without being judged by others, I’ve always gone through life doing whatever I wanted even if others were against it so I would never have a problem with someone else living their life the way they wanted as long as they weren’t hurting anyone 


Spot. On. Thats it in a nutshell. 


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Always believed those that shout and make a song and dance about gays are closet Homo's themselves...had a mate growing up, homophobic as f**k,bit of a hard nut tbf...didn't see him for 15 yrs or more,when I did he had come out as  a proper mincer... best of all he's black,used to wear his trousers round his knees and walk with a gangster limp like he had a stone in his shoe?..each to their own,if it's consenting whos business is it but the people involved???  kids top themselves because they don't want to shame the Oldman etc by coming out..I'd love my children regardless of their sexual orientation,there's alot more sick and twisted shit to worry about than 2 blokes holding hands in these times ? ?

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  On 22/11/2022 at 13:24, Daniel cain said:

Always believed those that shout and make a song and dance about gays are closet Homo's themselves...had a mate growing up, homophobic as f**k,bit of a hard nut tbf...didn't see him for 15 yrs or more,when I did he had come out as  a proper mincer... best of all he's black,used to wear his trousers round his knees and walk with a gangster limp like he had a stone in his shoe?..each to their own,if it's consenting whos business is it but the people involved???  kids top themselves because they don't want to shame the Oldman etc by coming out..I'd love my children regardless of their sexual orientation,there's alot more sick and twisted shit to worry about than 2 blokes holding hands in these times ? ?


But my point is, If someone chooses not to accept it, then should they be forced into accepting it? My view is we should all have the choice, The way things are stacked at the minute it seems to be in favour of anyone who is not a white, straight, Christian. Image the outcry if a White Pride celebration or a Straight Pride Celebration was to be organised.  

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If gay people are disgusted with heterosexual people then that’s just as bad as heterosexual people being disgusted with gay people, it baffles me why people show such an interest in other people’s lives if they are different in any way to their own, I think sometimes it’s because they think they are missing out on something ?

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