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Out today, foxes every where

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Dogs look well lads,...glad Toc is retreaving again!


Nice Carhart gear there RK...where did you get it?...does the zip work?...lol.



All the best lads, and glad to hear Kane is getting out and about....keep protecting them birds lads!



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Its good too see legitimate pest control going on still despite the law being against us in so many ways. Its good to see the real deals who got me into the working dog game are still out there doing what they love to do. And i think its really great that genuine guys like royston2 and kane are willing to take messers under there wing i mean just look at ratkilla :victory: top work fellas :clapper::clapper:

























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Yes almost fully recovered thanks Kye, just in time to get out for the best time of the season lol.

Jordan,ratkilla and Royston2 some good pics there and some good memories,tinged with a taste of bitter sadness looking at those older pics ,but such is life.

A good day with plenty of laughs and excitement ,the foxes found in cover realy were sitting tight and the dogs were almost making contact before charlie could be persuaded to leave cover but then having to look at Roystons ugly mug all day myself can hardly blame them.

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  ratkilla said:
Well i got out today with Kane and Royston2. We went to kanes extensive permission as the keeper was moaning about the amount of foxes on the estate so we set off up there to hopefully account for some. We took the guns and dogs to flush, bolt or dig to the foxes.

We dug two and bolted two and flushed two from cover that we managed to take. We saw a good few more on top but just couldn't get on them so we'll return for them another day.



Dug this fox then dispatched him humanly








For consencous reasons on the site i can't post the rest photos

sounds like you had a good day mate :thumbs: is that your pup out of golly, if so hows he geting on ;) Edited by elisderyn
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super stuff mate! how come you didnt post it in the terrier section? i never look in here,cause i dont have a lurcher,but im glad i had a look today! i'll bet lots of the terriers guys have missed this one!

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