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Got the invite to shoot a fallow buck from a good mate near Oxford .Not the first invite but a long stream of blanks due to this and that .

The deer seem to use two woods on this particular farm ,why is anyones guess as there are 3 more just as inviting .They come out to feed last light and make towards a field of wild bird set aside with kale etc .

The plan was to lay up and intercept them as they leave the wood .

We were in place in good time last Sunday afternoon ,backs to a hedge ,me on sticks about 100m from the wood they usually leave .About 4 ish the first shapes appeared on the wood edge in the thermal and a look through the scope revealed all does .19 counted .After a while I could see a bigger deer back in the wood that commanded respect as the others parted to let him by .In the scopes could see the buck but behind a malformed pricket so had to wait what seemed like an age for him to become clear .The scope did well ,I did well and the .243 dropped him with a neck shot .Could of took another while they milled but we had a good drag as it was .

Last light pics are never good so I’m afraid the torch was used to highlight him and do him justice .Decent buck that I’ll get stuffed I reckon as shoulder mount .


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19 hours ago, Wolfdog91 said:

Beautiful buck !! Those antlers are beyond beautiful, please tell me your gonna mout him somehow. Think he'd make a fine euro skull mount 

The antlers are pretty much representative head for the UK mate.They do get better but ive seen much worse .The cape colour appeals to me so yes the plan is a shoulder mount.

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