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Where have all the people gone?

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  On 29/10/2022 at 09:23, JBs Left Peg said:

Fook me take general talk away and half a dozen people’s lives will be over on here ?

Nicepig your a moron ‘ obvious what type of musker you were.

And I don’t run to teacher at all ‘Iv just been banned for abusive behaviour ‘ my family get called worse than shit by the usual racist noncey sorts on here.

Half breed ‘ put your daughter on the game ‘ bla bla bla .

Then when you give some back they cry like fook and I get the ban for abusive behaviour ?

There are a handful on here who think the site is theirs to say as they please without re course.

Sorry to piss on your chips but I will just keep calling the wankers out as and when I see fit .

Paulus how come bans wernt dished out for calling a kid a half breed or put her on the game ect ???

Look forward to your explanation or are you a nonce enabler ?


I’d leave the door open as I recon you may be going back out as fast as you re entered ???

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Your the voice of reason TOMO,never any need to bring a wife or child into an argument, it's quite sad to be honest. 

paulus max tells me there has been no conversation between the two of you...? so why ban him again..there's no need for it... same as there's no need to be calling him a sex tourist...or put

I don't know if, or why he is banned,but the member who had a go at his wife and kiddie, whoever it is, needs to look at himself in the mirror. Unacceptable,shameful, out of order.

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I don't know if, or why he is banned,but the member who had a go at his wife and kiddie, whoever it is, needs to look at himself in the mirror. Unacceptable,shameful, out of order.

Edited by jukel123
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  On 29/10/2022 at 14:48, jukel123 said:

I don't know if, or why he is banned,but the member who had a go at his wife and kiddie, whoever it is, needs to look at himself in the mirror. Unacceptable,shameful, out of order.


If Max had kept his  despicable comments about other members families in his own head then I'm sure others wouldn't have stooped as low and fired a few fucks back at him...he is his own worse enemy...his proformance earlier today showed he just  can't grasp it or play the game...my old headmaster at school used to bang on about..'treat others as you would like to be treated' ...maybe Max should read the water babies and give it ago... he will be back as obnoxious as ever I'm sure?

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paulus max tells me there has been no conversation between the two of you...?

so why ban him again..there's no need for it...

same as there's no need to be calling him a sex tourist...or putting his kid on the game because she's half Thai....and it's presumed that all Thai women are prosiltitutes...

I've seen the comments he gets...it's f***ing disgraceful...

weather you like him or not paulus ..you should try being more even handed

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  On 29/10/2022 at 18:39, TOMO said:

so why ban him again..there's no need for it...

same as there's no need to be calling him a sex tourist...or putting his kid on the game because she's half Thai....and it's presumed that all Thai women are prosiltitutes...

I've seen the comments he gets...it's f***ing disgraceful..


Your the voice of reason TOMO,never any need to bring a wife or child into an argument, it's quite sad to be honest. 

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  On 29/10/2022 at 19:24, jukel123 said:

I think he was only so fighting mad when he came on recently because of past comments about his family. He never used to be like that.


Everyone should draw a line in the sand, move on, we are all adults, sagging peoples ladies and children isn't what we are or what we are about, children are the innocents. 

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