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£7,000,000 a day.

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That photo of the police taking the knee is the most cringiest thing I’ve seen

Blair is a traitorous murderer and should have been held accountable for his actions years ago

Is your experience of working in London like your experience of lurchers, Japanese fighting dogs, owning akitas, police bred GSDs and now a pair of patterdales, imaginary?

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1 minute ago, iworkwhippets said:

Well look, I think me n.her.have summat in common, but I can use owd age as an.excuse, I got dressed tuther morning, I was half dead as usual, anyways went.toilet fer a Jimmy , couldn't find the.zip, I'd put my jeans on back to front 

You ain’t running the country tho brother.??

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Just watched the disgraced ex Labour MP Dennis McShane trying to defend Abbot on GB News.

That would be the Dennis McShane who falsely claimed £125,000 expenses claiming his garage was his constituency office.

The same Dennis McShane who was found guilty of forging receipts for almost £13,000 for expenses for trips to Europe.

The same Dennis McShane who was sentenced to six months in HMP Belmarsh , under the Theft Act, for fiddling his expenses.

Yep, Dianne, he's just the man to defend you ???


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1 hour ago, chartpolski said:

Just watched the disgraced ex Labour MP Dennis McShane trying to defend Abbot on GB News.

That would be the Dennis McShane who falsely claimed £125,000 expenses claiming his garage was his constituency office.

The same Dennis McShane who was found guilty of forging receipts for almost £13,000 for expenses for trips to Europe.

The same Dennis McShane who was sentenced to six months in HMP Belmarsh , under the Theft Act, for fiddling his expenses.

Yep, Dianne, he's just the man to defend you ???


I personally thought he was tidy in Lovejoy so credit where credits due mate ! 

Edited by WILF
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2 hours ago, chartpolski said:

Just watched the disgraced ex Labour MP Dennis McShane trying to defend Abbot on GB News.

That would be the Dennis McShane who falsely claimed £125,000 expenses claiming his garage was his constituency office.

The same Dennis McShane who was found guilty of forging receipts for almost £13,000 for expenses for trips to Europe.

The same Dennis McShane who was sentenced to six months in HMP Belmarsh , under the Theft Act, for fiddling his expenses.

Yep, Dianne, he's just the man to defend you ???


He was my MP and was another who brushed  it under the carpet the claims of Pakistani Muslim grooming gangs operating in the town. 

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16 hours ago, mackem said:

Gay Dave and Sandys pin up girl, loony lefties eh?Diane Abbotts theories on crime ? her son ended up a crack addicted loon. 

That white British manager who was stabbed and killed wile at work at a Rotherham courier company a few days ago by a Nigerian van driver could you imagine the response from the left wing black lives matter clowns like Abott and co if it had been the other way around.

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Well, surprise, surprise……


Andrew Leak threw up to three incendiary devices at the site in Dover, Kent, last Sunday.

Obviously nothing to do with the bloke probably has spent the last 30 years watching his area go down the shitter, can’t afford to turn on the heating while his country is taken from under him…….nah, that won’t be it ! 

f**k sake like !

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17 minutes ago, WILF said:

Well, surprise, surprise……


Andrew Leak threw up to three incendiary devices at the site in Dover, Kent, last Sunday.

Obviously nothing to do with the bloke probably has spent the last 30 years watching his area go down the shitter, can’t afford to turn on the heating while his country is taken from under him…….nah, that won’t be it ! 

f**k sake like !

Every news story on the radio is saying it, they aren’t even trying to hide the agenda anymore migrants good patriotism bad ?

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Local, reliably informed they armed themselves with clubs made from table and chair legs, imagine such people on the streets. 


A group armed with weaponry have caused a disturbance at the Harmondsworth immigration...


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