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1 minute ago, Griswald said:

Slit my wrist time when the plight of the polar bears come on.

Especially as it’s always filmed in the spring summer when the ice melts every year, but they try to say it’s global warming and the poor bear is doomed ?

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2 minutes ago, Greyman said:

Your clearly not listening mate, no lions no tigers but a few pumas, let’s not spread fake news ?

not sure if its true but ive heard through a very well informed postman that theirs a snow leopard up in the cairngorms, he said he had to grab jess and hurry down the nearest ski slope.

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6 minutes ago, Griswald said:

Global warming is undoubtedly a real phenomenon but what the hell can we do to reverse it. I admire anyone that has good intentions and want to make a change but I feel their efforts are futile.

Global warming is real and we are helping to accelerate it by removing the lungs of the earth, trees, but let’s not forget before the first cow farted or Henry Ford made the model T and man was still without fire you could walk to France on dry land the seas have been rising for millennia, we are still classed as being in an ice age as long as both poles are covered in ice, they are drilling down hundreds of meters through the Antarctic and pulling up frozen flowers in bloom, it’s a cycle that will keep repeating itself with or without man kind as long as the earth spins but once again it’s a good cover to rinse the back out of us with environmental tax’s ?

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4 hours ago, Nicepix said:

Thing is how much is set up? There is a long history of manipulation in wildlife photography. 

Take your point, but think the two scenarios I mentioned above were 100% genuine. Having cameras on nests 24/7 has ‘caught’ lots of predation by all manner of things from stoats, otters, mink, rats, bops and even hedgehogs. There’s a been a few good ‘one in a million’ clips and images sent in by the public…, the weasel on green woodpecker being an example. Different strokes etc…, it piques my interest anyway.

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