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I agree with you. Forcing people to accept foreign cultures without being able to protect or even enjoy their own culture has always ended with bloodshed. If the government cannot or will not take suf

In fairness in that video he has a point, what short memories we have ! Lets face it, most inner city areas are multi racial hell holes and they Chuck money at them like it’s going out of fashion

Hard working people have there bank accounts frozen , but the racial racketeers in the BLM don't ?. 

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23 minutes ago, iworkwhippets said:

so that makes it alright then does it, our PRIME MINISTER is black, f**k that off 

He isn't black ?..


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13 minutes ago, lurcherman 887 said:

He’s a nice Hindu man! 

Thats gonna tax fcuk outta already struggling families, the working man is going to get to keep even less of his hard earned, as if he doesn't  give the rotten shower of robbing bastruds enough already. 

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I’ve been to India and seen how the caste system works I was sitting in a bar called Zappas bar apparently years ago the great man himself visited hence the name, any way I was on full on people watching mode and there was a table with some Bollywood so-called stars on it from Mumbai and the conversation was all the great places they had all been to it was like the Monty python’s sketch about poverty but in reverse, this poor young waiter came out with the drinks and ice and they complained that the ice was the wrong size and shape and sent him back to get more this happened about three times in the end one of the so called Bollywood stars had an adult tantrum and threw the ice on the floor and berated this poor young lad because the ice was the wrong size and shape, I was f***ing furious and was out of my chair but my Mrs calmed me down I was disgusted, the moral of the story is if the higher class Indians which Rishi surely is treat thier own lower class/ caste like that how’s that going to pan out with our people, my opinion it’s going to be a shit show.

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11 hours ago, FLATTOP said:

I’ve been to India and seen how the caste system works I was sitting in a bar called Zappas bar apparently years ago the great man himself visited hence the name, any way I was on full on people watching mode and there was a table with some Bollywood so-called stars on it from Mumbai and the conversation was all the great places they had all been to it was like the Monty python’s sketch about poverty but in reverse, this poor young waiter came out with the drinks and ice and they complained that the ice was the wrong size and shape and sent him back to get more this happened about three times in the end one of the so called Bollywood stars had an adult tantrum and threw the ice on the floor and berated this poor young lad because the ice was the wrong size and shape, I was f***ing furious and was out of my chair but my Mrs calmed me down I was disgusted, the moral of the story is if the higher class Indians which Rishi surely is treat thier own lower class/ caste like that how’s that going to pan out with our people, my opinion it’s going to be a shit show.

Sunak was caught  on camera boasting that he has diverted money intended for deprived inner  city areas to his friends in the leafy shires. He was proud of himself.

The Indian caste system is the same as our class system except their system is more transparent.

Edited by jukel123
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11 hours ago, FLATTOP said:

I’ve been to India and seen how the caste system works I was sitting in a bar called Zappas bar apparently years ago the great man himself visited hence the name, any way I was on full on people watching mode and there was a table with some Bollywood so-called stars on it from Mumbai and the conversation was all the great places they had all been to it was like the Monty python’s sketch about poverty but in reverse, this poor young waiter came out with the drinks and ice and they complained that the ice was the wrong size and shape and sent him back to get more this happened about three times in the end one of the so called Bollywood stars had an adult tantrum and threw the ice on the floor and berated this poor young lad because the ice was the wrong size and shape, I was f***ing furious and was out of my chair but my Mrs calmed me down I was disgusted, the moral of the story is if the higher class Indians which Rishi surely is treat thier own lower class/ caste like that how’s that going to pan out with our people, my opinion it’s going to be a shit show.

I was in India for 18 months and like you I see how the rich live and how those with fcuk all are looked upon ,

This cnut no diffrent, I don't see what he can bring to the table apart from making the rich richer,the normal every day people poorer ,

They need to have a public vote to see who the people want to run the country but they would never do that as they no labour would get the keys to no 10 .


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1 hour ago, Moocher71 said:

A fcuking rag head running our country we all thought things was bad before but they going to get a ol lot worse. It's Sad day for England and great Britain .


Labour will get in next ,

Im old enough to remember great britain, and loved it, all gone now,   a dumping ground fer human filth 

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