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Well out today windy as f**k ground was hard work with sensitivity few buttons and pennies and crap was about to give up as the farm as been hit hard by a club. Then hit a Roman Dolphin brooch ga

Out today with the new spade got to say it's very good. Dug some junk but did get a 1697 William 3rd sixpence was chuffed with that. Cheers Arry

Well out today and I'm buzzing a Gold Posy Ring with "Hearts content cannot repent" engraved on the inside. Also a big worn silver French. Cheers Arry

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31 minutes ago, Derrydave said:

brilliant finds Arry an they got more interesting going through the topic, iv ace 300i laying in the shed never been used lol

Been doing it about two and a half years so still learning started with Vanquish 540 and to be fare it don't miss much. I then got the chance to buy a Equinox 800 that was nearly new at a very good price thanks to Daren of here. Then you do get better at recognising the tones and setting. Nice getting out in the fields haven't done much on beaches. 

Cheers Arry

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1 hour ago, Arry said:

Been doing it about two and a half years so still learning started with Vanquish 540 and to be fare it don't miss much. I then got the chance to buy a Equinox 800 that was nearly new at a very good price thanks to Daren of here. Then you do get better at recognising the tones and setting. Nice getting out in the fields haven't done much on beaches. 

Cheers Arry

my mate is always down some beach........but he never does the beach itself...he sticks to the dunes where people over decades have been sunbathing and doing picnics......the ammount of stuff he has found is staggering....decent rings top quality watches ....loads and loads of change (old stuff) neck chains...the list goes on.....

his trick is saying to himself..."now where would i set up a picnic ..out of the wind and where i can see the kids..."

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3 minutes ago, byron said:

Coins.think1400's.love these little beehive thimbles. Snake belt type(same on both sides) used for hundreds of years.to think who lost em.




That is the kick of it...not always the monetary valaue ....its the history/simple story behind these finds....:good:

i remember the times i have lost change outside ..half crows...2 bob bits ..........i was bloody gutted  

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2 hours ago, byron said:

Coins.think1400's.love these little beehive thimbles. Snake belt type(same on both sides) used for hundreds of years.to think who lost em.




The cut half coin looks like Henry 111 so would be mid 1200s the other looks Tudor you got a picture of the other side 👍

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54 minutes ago, torchey said:

The cut half coin looks like Henry 111 so would be mid 1200s the other looks Tudor you got a picture of the other side 👍

I'll  stick reverse on tmoz torchey.the cut half, and the full one were dug off the same field in Norfolk.. 

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3 minutes ago, byron said:

I'll  stick reverse on tmoz torchey.the cut half, and the full one were dug off the same field in Norfolk.. 

no problem mate but coins are definitely a couple of hundred years apart as I said 1st is Henry 111 and think the other is Henry v11 sovereign penny but not 100% til I see the other side cheers 👍

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13 minutes ago, torchey said:

no problem mate but coins are definitely a couple of hundred years apart as I said 1st is Henry 111 and think the other is Henry v11 sovereign penny but not 100% til I see the other side cheers 👍

There ya go torchey.full coin upside down.bloke holding a cross sceptre.hH.



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14 minutes ago, byron said:

There ya go torchey.full coin upside down.bloke holding a cross sceptre.hH.



That’s quite a nice penny that 👍only 2 monarchs done that penny Henry 8 and his dad Henry 7 I think it’s 7 but I’ll have a look in the book later 👍

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There’s a drama series on Channel 5 this year called Finders Keepers about two detectorists who find a valuable Anglo Saxon hoard and don’t report it.

I am looking into upgrading my old sovereign.


There were 1,378 treasure finds in England, Wales and Northern Ireland in 2022, according to provisional figures...




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