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Diabetes Conundrum

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On 14/10/2022 at 18:01, paulus said:

I have been Diabetic for a good few years now, Controlled by a mixture of tablets and insulin injections.  Here's the Conundrum, A while ago i developed a Kidney infection that knocked me down for three days, Lost a stone and a half, Never eat a thing, Now you would expect to suffer from Hypo`s as your body is not taking in any food, But this does not happen, Your body somehow stops this from happening by releasing stored sugar in your body, In other words it knows you are not well and compensates, I talked this trough with my GP, And she says its a well Known thing, Surly research could identify how the body does this and a treatment could be found that in effect would cure type 2 diabetes. Or is it a case of the treatment currently used is more profitable for the the drug companies than a cure would be? 

Insulin stored in the liver as a reserve does this 

Dawn Phenomenon (Liver Dump) - Causes of Dawn Phenomenon & Treatment (diabetes.co.uk)


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On 14/10/2022 at 18:35, paulus said:

Not always the case,  It has been proven to hereditary and not just down to lifestyle. They are still unsure what causes the Pancras to slow down or stop producing enough insulin. meaning that the sugar is not absorbed into the cells correctly. The result is a weight gain as the excess is stored as fat. usually around the waist. My grandma was 8 stone wet through and as thin as bean pole but still developed it as did my father and brother.  

you cant beat genetics mate 

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