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Physical afflictions.?

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So, I was thinking about this the other day whilst trying to read in daylight with a head torch on.

Have any of you, especially those of you who have lived the life, ended up with physical afflictions?

No I am not talking about injuries like broken bones etc, lots of us got those, I mean permanent issues, Nore am i on about obesity that most retired lurcher worker suffer from!

Take myself, I have eye damage that means I can see great when its near black, I can see great in brilliant light like a lamp, but in normal daylight I have very poor eyesight, all down to the use of bright spotlamps for many years.

I also have an allergy to rabbits! not eating them but handling them! I used to catch, gut etc many thousands of rabbits and the only downside was when I farted or belched it stuck of rabbits, some of you will remember that yourselves. my problems started when getting home one eve I could hardly open my eyes and my friend joked that I had caught mixy. it got worse as time went on and every time i handled rabbits my eyelids swelled, eyes watered and everything about my head itched like the pox.                                                      After I stopped catching rabbits I didn't handle them for a few years, but when I did I mistakenly thought my issue had gone, not so for the following day I have a head like a middle white boar.

So come on folks what issues you ended up with?


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I have this strange affliction where I keep looking over my shoulder.......... Cheers.

They are going to have to design a drug that keeps people pain free and mobile if they plan to keep upping the state pension age a decision-making policy made by those who have never done a physically

or just stop releasing all the poison and cancers into the air and our food and water??

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1 hour ago, chartpolski said:

I have this strange affliction where I keep looking over my shoulder..........


Haha charts,  well me, I've had la

Ioads of things play me up, fooked lower back, and right knee, knackered shoulders, from the work I did in brewery, and falling of a 5 bar gate, fell. Over loads of times in dark lamping, been a rough old 35 years with lurchers. Now I am 70, only got 30 %earing, glaucoma in my right eye so it's blured, but I am out every day mooching with big old Buck, I will always have some kind of lurcher around if even just a pet like now. But the one thing that's knocked me back, is IBS, I get real bad stomach cramps, they double me over from pain. So they this fookin thing affected me big time. ?

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dogs started fighting once at a dog show...one of my black terriers decided to grab my mates half X bull by the front leg below the ankle...bull X had the terrier by it's head ...everytime it shock the black dog,the black dog bit harder? turned around and some prick starts hitting both dogs with a walking stick..so he got dropped and I was holding both dogs trying to stop the damage while someone ran and got me a bottle of water...I squirted the water up the bulk X's nose ,it let go long enough for my mate to grab it...he let go...and the bull X grabbed my arm and started trying to shake me?anyway,got them separated and st Johns ambulance were there,started cleaning up my arms, wrists on both hands,3 of my fingers was stripped of flesh,I had bites to my shoulders,hip and leg...went to hospital,had to wait 11 hrs to be seen....ended up having 3 separate operations on my hands and wrists ,they pinned me up and kept the wounds open for 48 hrs make sure there was no infection,had to have certain drugs as I'm allergic to penicillin and start break dancing if given it...10 yrs on I suffer with my hands and wrists, especially when the weather turns..I struggle to hold up my own weight now,before it I could walk on my hands a fair distance,?...then I broke my back in a RTA and ended up addicted to painkillers ? thankfully I stopped that....but that's another story ?

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21 minutes ago, Daniel cain said:

dogs started fighting once at a dog show...one of my black terriers decided to grab my mates half X bull by the front leg below the ankle...bull X had the terrier by it's head ...everytime it shock the black dog,the black dog bit harder? turned around and some prick starts hitting both dogs with a walking stick..so he got dropped and I was holding both dogs trying to stop the damage while someone ran and got me a bottle of water...I squirted the water up the bulk X's nose ,it let go long enough for my mate to grab it...he let go...and the bull X grabbed my arm and started trying to shake me?anyway,got them separated and st Johns ambulance were there,started cleaning up my arms, wrists on both hands,3 of my fingers was stripped of flesh,I had bites to my shoulders,hip and leg...went to hospital,had to wait 11 hrs to be seen....ended up having 3 separate operations on my hands and wrists ,they pinned me up and kept the wounds open for 48 hrs make sure there was no infection,had to have certain drugs as I'm allergic to penicillin and start break dancing if given it...10 yrs on I suffer with my hands and wrists, especially when the weather turns..I struggle to hold up my own weight now,before it I could walk on my hands a fair distance,?...then I broke my back in a RTA and ended up addicted to painkillers ? thankfully I stopped that....but that's another story ?

Sounds savage, I'd have hope somebody ended the dog on the spot, makes you realise the risk they can pose especially around kids etc, even if it's not human aggression but you/they get caught up in dog aggression 

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That’s why mine is pushing daisys, didn’t attack me but nearly killed my other dog so enough was enough, it’s not they are particularly bad or aggressive but when the decide something is having it they are hard to stop, the dogs I got now I know that if they have a squabble on the yard it’s not gonna end in dead dog before I get out to them, even then I would not leave them u attended on the yard and go out 

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Knackered back two knackered shoulders both knees screwed left leg permanently numb from knee down and losing sight in right eye from accident at work years ago plus 15 year as a scaffolder ant helped ? plus riddled with arthritis and keep falling over also suffer from blood clots so on blood thinners for life now 

Edited by Shefflad69
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3 hours ago, Borr said:

Sounds savage, I'd have hope somebody ended the dog on the spot, makes you realise the risk they can pose especially around kids etc, even if it's not human aggression but you/they get caught up in dog aggression 

bull X that did the damage wasn't mine...  it's life was cut short a few weeks later mind?

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On 10/10/2022 at 09:37, levigsp said:

So, I was thinking about this the other day whilst trying to read in daylight with a head torch on.

Have any of you, especially those of you who have lived the life, ended up with physical afflictions?

No I am not talking about injuries like broken bones etc, lots of us got those, I mean permanent issues, Nore am i on about obesity that most retired lurcher worker suffer from!

Take myself, I have eye damage that means I can see great when its near black, I can see great in brilliant light like a lamp, but in normal daylight I have very poor eyesight, all down to the use of bright spotlamps for many years.

I also have an allergy to rabbits! not eating them but handling them! I used to catch, gut etc many thousands of rabbits and the only downside was when I farted or belched it stuck of rabbits, some of you will remember that yourselves. my problems started when getting home one eve I could hardly open my eyes and my friend joked that I had caught mixy. it got worse as time went on and every time i handled rabbits my eyelids swelled, eyes watered and everything about my head itched like the pox.                                                      After I stopped catching rabbits I didn't handle them for a few years, but when I did I mistakenly thought my issue had gone, not so for the following day I have a head like a middle white boar.

So come on folks what issues you ended up with?


Yeah,.. its no fun,. 'getting old'...?

In common with many other veteran hunters, I have a plethora of debilitating and incredibly painful,.. physical maladies...

About ten years ago I succumbed to an amazingly nasty bout of Osteoarthritis....

Problem  was,. (and still is),. the disease mostly affected,.... my hands..?

As a retired rabbit catcher and a very busy Mole Trapper,.. this painful ailment really did feck me up big time..

Truth is, this problem has been coming for a long time....I have always enjoyed a dig,.. whether it be deep to a vulpine, or burrowing down, to a frequently awkward, chalk and flint, six foot deep,.. ancient rabbit warren.  However, I noticed that if I smashed the spade into the wet chalk and tried to get to a bottled up Coney, as quick as I could, that,  the very next day, I would wake up, with my tiny poofta's hands clenched tight,.. like a young Babies fists..?

The damage  had been done,...and dusted...



Edited by OldPhil
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