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The serial killers seem to focus on vulnerable people who wouldn't be accountable or who's absence doesn't raise concerns. So providing the abduction or murder is done discreetly all that could lead i

I don't, but to ask how did you do it would be presumptuous ?

I would need an 18 inch chipper for You shreck. 

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28 minutes ago, Blackmag said:

Just watched the first one of Jeffrey dahmer it's been interesting I wonder how many more like him have gone undiscovered especially in poor countries 

Mate, I watched the first couple and couldn’t watch anymore…..it was too much

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29 minutes ago, Blackmag said:

 I wonder how many more like him have gone undiscovered especially in poor countries 

Lots I would guess, check out the stoneman in India, killed street sleepers, no one gives a f**k in places like that with lowly beggars, CSI Mumbai or Delhi amounts to get the body off the street, the end. 

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24 minutes ago, WILF said:

Mate, I watched the first couple and couldn’t watch anymore…..it was too much

What the queer scenes ? 

I fast forwarded the batty boy stuff apart from that it was good. Just started new one on there about him and his recorded tapes

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10 minutes ago, lurcherman 887 said:

The guy drilled deep into a 14 years old head and filled it with acid in an attempt to make him a zombie sex slave. Didn’t work so he ate him 


sick man 

Waste not want not ?

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35 minutes ago, lurcherman 887 said:

What the queer scenes ? 

I fast forwarded the batty boy stuff apart from that it was good. Just started new one on there about him and his recorded tapes

No mate, that don’t really bother me that type of stuff…..no, imho it was just way too gratuitus, nasty.

It almost glamourised him and I didn’t like that.

Good actor mind you , the bloke who played him.

Mindhunter is a way more interesting series and is done better.

Edited by WILF
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8 minutes ago, WILF said:

It almost glamourised him

:hmm:Good point!

Know what? I watched the whole thing, beginning to end. I believe I reported back along the lines that it was fine, by me. Seemed accurate. Good acting. So on.

But, yeah! Now that ye mention it? At no point did it seem to be portraying him as a monster. He was just Jeff. Doing what Jeff did. In Jeff's little world.

Very crafty. Very subtle. " Almost glamourised "? I hadn't thought of it that way. But, it certainly Did lean pretty fukking close to practically Normalising it!

Yeah. Classic Netflix: This is Jeff. This is what he does. It may not be your cup of tea. But, please don't judge.

Jeff's preferred pronoun is .....


Crafty, insidious kunts! They're coming at us from Every conceivable direction :(

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People disappear all the time. It is only when bodies are found that the real investigations start. Master the disposal of bodies and you would remain unsuspected. So, in reality we will never know how many serial killers are out there because they could have mastered the body disposal bit. After all, many of these killers only come to light after accidental discoveries of corpses.

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5 minutes ago, mackem said:

How would you do it? 

The serial killers seem to focus on vulnerable people who wouldn't be accountable or who's absence doesn't raise concerns. So providing the abduction or murder is done discreetly all that could lead investigators to the killer is dna, fingerprints, evidence associated with the bodies, etc. Flesh disintigrates, bones don't so it is easier to permenantly dispose of flesh through fire rather than burial to avoid animals dragging it to the surface. That goes for clothing, etc too. Metal objects like mobile phones, buckles, jewellery can be retrieved from the ashes and disposed of in remote hedgerows. The general ashes can also be disposed of by dumping in woodland.   The bones however need to be pulverised before dispersal. A concrete mixer and a few rocks would do. Then they won't be recognised as human bones. They can go in a big river or amongst general rubble. 

The last thing gou would do is bury a whole, clothed body in a location that you can be linked with.

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