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Flotsam and jetsam washed up on the beach.

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I wouldn't be greedy.....just take what I could carry?

it lasts a half hour or so....thing is with coke...you don't feel high...like you might with E ..or LSD.... Coke heightens your emotions...if your sad it could make you sadder..angrier if your al

got to say  i would walk away.... I liked a party as much as any of you...few cheeky lines...good fun at the time... if you nick that some it's likely owners might be be very naughty fellas.

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23 hours ago, Waz said:


That’s the one, my mate ended up doing 11 years, was a bit of a comedy of errors as I remember, the Makayabella ran out of fuel at sea, think the NCA were pissing themselves !!!!

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1 hour ago, jukel123 said:

I was at a wedding reception recently. Every time I went for a pee there were guys snorting the stuff in the toilets. What does it do for you? How long does a snort last?

makes you talk utter bollocks....your always chasing it ?

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