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Flotsam and jetsam washed up on the beach.

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I wouldn't be greedy.....just take what I could carry?

it lasts a half hour or so....thing is with coke...you don't feel high...like you might with E ..or LSD.... Coke heightens your emotions...if your sad it could make you sadder..angrier if your al

got to say  i would walk away.... I liked a party as much as any of you...few cheeky lines...good fun at the time... if you nick that some it's likely owners might be be very naughty fellas.

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5 hours ago, mC HULL said:

it definitely will have stamps on it mack 

the average joe can’t bash that not as simple as re pressing it then you just have a load of bash worth next to nothing 

I said it would have no stamp after stepping on it ? the average joe did find it and rang it in. 

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10 minutes ago, keepdiggin said:

You couldn’t get rid of that amount without the original “owners” finding out.

I wonder the actual weight of the find, inside all that waterproof packaging. 

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apart from the risk of the original owners finding out....

getting nicked by plod shifting several hundred kilos of Charlie...ain't something I would be keen on...could end up doing a very big stretch...

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8 minutes ago, TOMO said:

getting nicked by plod shifting several hundred kilos of Charlie...ain't something I would be keen on...could end up doing a very big stretch...

I used to know a bloke, nice guy, used to meet him for breakfast in Ocean Village when I was on Gibraltar, he moored his yacht there, he had a very successful import/export company, multi-millionaire.I once asked him had he ever moved anything other than what he was doing, he held up a small finger-sized lump of Moroccan and said "No, because you can make as much money as your ever going to be able to spend in a lifetime moving this stuff, with quarter of the bird and hassle associated with powder". 


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A pal of mine was nicked off the coast of Ireland a few years back. Had over a thousand kilos onboard, think it was valued over 80mil. Strangely plod didn’t believe him when he told them he thought he was taking part in a fishing competition !!  

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I think I would take what I could carry . I don’t move in drug dealer circles, but I know someone who has “ connections “. 
              I wouldn’t be greedy , I would be happy for a few grand , no question’s . If you were to start wanting life changing money you would find yourself in a world of shit . 

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