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20 years ago

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Biggest march/protest in British history (still to this day) and made absolutely f all difference. The powers that be do what they want and don’t give a f**k about the people that actually understand

? Went along to the various Marches,..as ya do,...but got a gut feeling that the 'deal' had already been done and dusted,.. and the minor contingent of the Field Sports fraternity, (the Lurcher enthus


Biggest march/protest in British history (still to this day) and made absolutely f all difference. The powers that be do what they want and don’t give a f**k about the people that actually understand the issues, in this case the countryside and hunting. 

Edited by Bobtheferret
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? Went along to the various Marches,..as ya do,...but got a gut feeling that the 'deal' had already been done and dusted,.. and the minor contingent of the Field Sports fraternity, (the Lurcher enthusiasts and Terrier Men) were already being consigned to the History books.? 

Had a wee bit of craic with some canny lads from around the UK,.. but mostly came home with little hope for the future,.. just multiple bruises....?

My time is in the Sun is now almost over,...and I just give thanks that I have lived, all through the halcyon days, and most definitely.....filled my boots?

Keep on, keeping on Brothers,...for as long as you can ..?


Edited by OldPhil
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I admit to not going as well as a few more lurcher lads i know who always worked their dogs without permission some thing i regret though if 10 million had marched it wouldn't have made a one bit of difference imho . Its the draconian laws that are now implemented on folk doing a bit of freelancing that's been one of the travestys of the ban.

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