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Nice read that was i couldnt " like " it for some reason....i think the pit bulls were addictive a lot of young lads of our generation had a healthy respect for their physical prowess and that was goo

Most pics of dogs that went through my hands mate ended up with the dead chap spoken about on this topic !....and it wouldnt be right to show other peoples dogs but this is a dog im fairly close to on

My APBT Max.

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  On 16/09/2022 at 21:27, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

Whae? Hoose rice ??? ???


Repeat that sorry…….Ohhh twice aye ?

nooooo you never …… knowing fine we’ll it’s shite 

my brothers in oz and reckons the natives can’t get over how the work c*** can be used to describe any person gid or bad and it be acceptable again “if you know you know”?

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  On 16/09/2022 at 21:18, jigsaw said:

Would ye now....he was strong enough to go over the hour and win his match,..your a right cruel f****r,cutting ears off of dogs mc..... appearances are important to you ,so are they?



no offence meant jig he just looks soft flat and weak in the front and back mate may be pic 

appearance don’t mean a lot to me mate but i can’t stand dogs with pointed ears maybe me neighbours collie that knacked me as a kid 

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  On 16/09/2022 at 19:20, saluki bouy said:

Gnasher thank you this is a great read 

in your opinion or experience rather how would you consider the best way to deal with shock 

say after a match good medical care was given how would they prevent shock in that animal? 

how closed a shop was the pinnacle of dogs/owners 

referees how where they chosen ….. eg very good dog men…. Great conditioners etc? 

Scotsman’s max was he owned by same man who went on to bred Aluants? 

Was a loss as detrimental like a boxers careers just now could they win two lose one then win next and be a champ? not comparable but just try to understand my dads massive pigeon man so if they get in first 500 from a French over the Channel race as long as they do it three times in there lifetime they get a silver award 5 they get a gold regardless if they fail in between those results whilst they where sent

if any questions are to prying please ignore 



No prob mate again its all in the past for me so nothing really to hide...not for me to talk about folk still involved in dogs of course but it was certainly an addictive sport.....folk would deal with shock in different ways with different drugs but the basics were to get the dog stable so his organs dont start shutting down and get fluids into him asap... it would be hypovolemic shock as opposed to trauma shock so the dog will have lost salts/potassium etc through dehydration and more often than not the venous blood volume drops/blood pressure and it becomes a race against time as quite often the big vein up the inside of the front leg would be collapsed so getting an iv in becomes an issue which is where folk not familiar with what they're doing panic....again too many people were matching dogs without knowledge or at least access to someone with knowledge and dogs were lost needlessly.

Regards closed shop it wasnt really....obviously being illegal you wanted to check people as trustworthy but not much more you can do than have folk vouched for,like anything else really.....people involved were from all walks of life.

A loss wasnt a big issue really it was how they lost....if a dog quit then why would you trust that dog next time out ? but if he lost game then yes no reason why he shouldnt have success in future and be used at stud after his career ended....but really the game test itself which was part of schooling for many dogs would be the hardest thing the dog ever did.....but thats where a good eye for a dog comes in you shouldnt need to roll the life out of a dog to see if he is worth a bet,dont leave his best fight in the gym and all that.

Interesting the pigeon stuff a good pal of mine was bang into all that years ago he would spend fortunes on birds i often thought of getting into it myself until stepping into his lofts and copping the smells and mess,no not for me that ?

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  On 16/09/2022 at 21:32, mC HULL said:

no offence meant jig he just looks soft flat and weak in the front and back mate may be pic 

appearance don’t mean a lot to me mate but i can’t stand dogs with pointed ears maybe me neighbours collie that knacked me as a kid 


I wouldn't get offended cause you didn't like the look of my dog,...I used to work them in the countryside,...I bred a few good ones,I passed them on to lads that was into the pits,some went well,I never was into matching,....I was into the terriers and end of dig bulls...

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  On 16/09/2022 at 20:05, steve66 said:

Cracking thread, some good input from knowledgeable people, just wonderd what the dogs where feed on bearing in mind it was some years back 


We was feeding raw before raw was really a thing in dogs just from basic understanding of nutrition....of course supplements played their part also and at the extreme end juice but yes very few people were matching dogs on dog food as such even back then.

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  On 16/09/2022 at 21:39, gnasher16 said:

We was feeding raw before raw was really a thing in dogs just from basic understanding of nutrition....of course supplements played their part also and at the extreme end juice but yes very few people were matching dogs on dog food as such even back then.


you should a got into the daytime gnash ? 

been a good thread enjoyed reading it 

who has the best dogs now the eastern europeans ?

i’ve never got on with just raw and veg offal 

Edited by mC HULL
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The APBT as a breed has to be admired in my eyes..

It's got everything..the body the minset the power the courage the list goes on and on..

What a package..I had a bitch years ago from psycho/ stormer lines..the bite on her was impressive..she would line up a big nuckle from a fresh bone in her back teeth and just smash it in 1 bite..my other staff didn't have half the biting power of that bitch..very shallow stop on her I'm sure there was English bull  somewhere down the line..

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  On 16/09/2022 at 21:50, mC HULL said:

you should a got into the daytime gnash ? 

been a good thread enjoyed reading it 

who has the best dogs now the eastern europeans ?

i’ve never got on with just raw and veg offal 


Wouldnt like to say who has " the best " dogs as such but from what im told in Europe yes Russia and the Balkans seem to be doing well with their conditioning but are still behind with their understanding of breeding....obviously relaxed laws and being able to keep huge yards of dogs all helps.... id still say places like South America/Ecuador etc if push came to shove are the most competitive areas with most titled dogs/roms etc 

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  On 16/09/2022 at 21:36, gnasher16 said:

No prob mate again its all in the past for me so nothing really to hide...not for me to talk about folk still involved in dogs of course but it was certainly an addictive sport.....folk would deal with shock in different ways with different drugs but the basics were to get the dog stable so his organs dont start shutting down and get fluids into him asap... it would be hypovolemic shock as opposed to trauma shock so the dog will have lost salts/potassium etc through dehydration and more often than not the venous blood volume drops/blood pressure and it becomes a race against time as quite often the big vein up the inside of the front leg would be collapsed so getting an iv in becomes an issue which is where folk not familiar with what they're doing panic....again too many people were matching dogs without knowledge or at least access to someone with knowledge and dogs were lost needlessly.

Regards closed shop it wasnt really....obviously being illegal you wanted to check people as trustworthy but not much more you can do than have folk vouched for,like anything else really.....people involved were from all walks of life.

A loss wasnt a big issue really it was how they lost....if a dog quit then why would you trust that dog next time out ? but if he lost game then yes no reason why he shouldnt have success in future and be used at stud after his career ended....but really the game test itself which was part of schooling for many dogs would be the hardest thing the dog ever did.....but thats where a good eye for a dog comes in you shouldnt need to roll the life out of a dog to see if he is worth a bet,dont leave his best fight in the gym and all that.

Interesting the pigeon stuff a good pal of mine was bang into all that years ago he would spend fortunes on birds i often thought of getting into it myself until stepping into his lofts and copping the smells and mess,no not for me that ?


Never meet more jelous or more to face men in the pigeon world ?

vein would be collapsed due to damage during the match? 

obviously there would be levels or seriousness to the different dogs matching was there ever Wheaton terriers of Staffordshire that you knew of that held there own or is that just unthinkable I’m just thinking along the lines of the trails they held in Ireland 


and thanks very much aswell it’s a eye opener to anyone reading and puts a few well illthought of opinions to bed 

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  On 16/09/2022 at 21:39, gnasher16 said:

We was feeding raw before raw was really a thing in dogs just from basic understanding of nutrition....of course supplements played their part also and at the extreme end juice but yes very few people were matching dogs on dog food as such even back then.


That’s the thing I was attempting to get at earlier in a post , do you think that the matching of apbts led the way in that regard?? 

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