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Full moon foxing

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After speaking to a farmer yesterday she said she had heard foxes yapping on near the farm so I said I would have a look last night.

Well the moon was full and very bright so didnt expect to see anything but you have to be in it to win it.

I got tucked in the shadows of a small copse and put the caller out , cub call playing and within minutes had a fox coming from the opposite wood , let it come to around 100 yds and job done , a vixen cub.

By now it was like daylight so packed up and went home .


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Well done and a good result, should keep the farmer happy, which is what you have to do to keep permissions. Like you I’ve never let the moon stop me . Foxes come out no matter what phase the moon is in . You just have to make sure like you did they  don’t see you . I had a brace the other night and it was almost like daylight it was so bright. If anything it can help . I’ve got a digital sight ( not thermal ) so it works well in the moonlight without IR . So it can be an advantage. 

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Last nights mega mooner


was working a field of beans parallel to stubble, watched it do an airborne attack on a pheasant when it broke cover.. it did connect but lost its grip and gave chase through the beans to no avail and came back 5 mins later, could see it all the time trying to find it!

thought that makes a change, it’s usually me looking all over the spot?

the wind was in my favour and a great big pile of manure was keeping the moon off me.. watched it trot 300 yards towards me and bout 100 yard out, gave it a squeak it stoped.. boom!

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48 minutes ago, Deker said:

I actually like a clear night and full moon, never seemed to be a problem.

I can also remember a fare few full moon nights I have gone all night with just the scope, rather than any lighting or NV used at all!


I remember being out after a day of snow then a frozen moonlit night. I sat in a high seat box. Flask and small blanket over my legs. I saw fox and deer hundreds of yards away in my binos. Crows were flying around from tree to tree.

It was a surreal world.

Oh, and I did get a shot at the fox but missed ?

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