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    • By Rimfire Rifles Freedom
      Hello all.?
      Just an update as it has been a while.I have been looking for a subsonic .22LR hollow point that shoots well from a cold clean bore and have recently started using RWS subs which do well, typically from the first shot..I have used a few different brands of subsonic H.P.s and they all group quite well after 5 or so fouling shots, but RWS like the cold clean bore,needless to say I am a happy and for me, decent shooting.?.I have used the RWS before in the old Annie 1416 DG and it was equally consistent in that rifle.
      A couple of typical below all from a cold clean bore..My scope is a Hawke Vantage x2 -x7 32mm A.O. with illuminated reticle which is a great field scope but lacks magnification for target shooting so is sometimes difficult to deduce if a shot has been pulled, but I love the scope.
      Have a good weekend all.?

    • By Baldcoot
      The sheriff says anytime you need advice on safety just give him a ring.If that goes off he,l need a new ring for sure

    • By Baldcoot
      Well now Tuesday filter on daylight Zero photon to cz all tickety boo. Finish work Sat am arrive at perm 0335 am all excited got em now .Sets up n see,s big n i mean big critters in the thermal spotter Oh bugger its next doors sheep been fence jumpin so rounds up n gets rid back through the gate.Makes my way to bunny field and this chap agrees i,l prove Photon is zeroed  ,right says me got your bait set up and get the caller going .
      Do the do and its now around half n hour of nothing so grr says i n moves to the sheep fodder pen and sits inside thinking no 1 can see me in here boy was i right for the wrong reasons this came down and stayed till a tired me went home at 6.30  .Frustrated is not even close 

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      has anyone used the icotec foxcaller from bestfoxcall to any success?
      i was hoping to get a bit of info about them,like when/where do they work Best,what calls you recommend using in what month etc,I am fully aware it won’t be a case of switching it on and foxes come from every direction and you can’t bolt the rifle fast enuff?any information greatly appreciated if you’ve had experience with one or similar
      many thx

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