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Jordan Peterson ?

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What Is the guy about, please? Can anyone sort of sum it up, in a sentence or two? Only, I've seen Huge fukking threads devoted to him ~ elsewhere. I'm talking well into double figures of pages. And these are ye Debating level guys. (Thus I, obviously, didn't try to get involved! :D)

But; What is he? I know the chipmunk guy is a septic far right Conservative gun advocate. Then there's the Religion bloke. Proff' something or other? Etc.

What's Petersons angle? In a nut shell. Always wondered. Never been able to get into him ?

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Logic over emotional, nonsensical rhetoric…..in a nutshell 

Peterson and Rogan are part of what is sometimes called the intellectual dark web. A group of prominent thinkers who are challenging the narrative, and showing up the lies of the mainstream. The mains

Dudes kinda slipping into the whole right vs left thing pretty hard I think and he's become a meme kinda. Honestly at first he was great. Clinical psychologist who basically took all this stuff d

Okay. Logic is clearly a big thing with him then. Cool. Thanks.

But, what's he logical About / 'against'?

This is a genuine 'question'. I just see that he appears to draw crowds. Never really stopped to stand amongst one and see what the fuss was all about.

Just passing curiosity :)

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3 minutes ago, Ken's Deputy said:

Okay. Logic is clearly a big thing with him then. Cool. Thanks.

But, what's he logical About / 'against'?

This is a genuine 'question'. I just see that he appears to draw crowds. Never really stopped to stand amongst one and see what the fuss was all about.

Just passing curiosity :)

Not be facetious but the answer to that would be “everything we regularly talk about in the modern world” 

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Dudes kinda slipping into the whole right vs left thing pretty hard I think and he's become a meme kinda.

Honestly at first he was great. Clinical psychologist who basically took all this stuff dealing with physical and sociological stuff and broke it down to where it made sense for people . His lobster thing was one of my favorites. In a nut shell lobsters that are in the higher end up the hierarchy tend to present them selves in a manner that's in humans could basically be equivalent to walking like you have a pair. You know up straight ,eyes forward , shoulders back. Where as a lobster on the lower end of things is usually the polar opposite. In humans this is hunched over ,looking at the ground ect. Then he explains how this this is a deeply deeply engrained thing in all creatures, billions of years old ( as in there's a legitimate neuron link in our nervous systems for this) and to a degree simply working on your posture can work as a anti depressant and get you a higher "ranking" in society.  It sounds crazy and convoluted but if you have a semi open mind and don't just wanna over simplify stuff it makes a ton of sense really.

Honestly the guy was a f***ing Godsend to me and alot of other peoel my age dealing with depression but he's now become famous for putting feminists and liberals their place which yeah he does well but I don't really think that holds a candle to all he's done as far as helping people with their mental health. Will say though watching him debate and analyzing who he talks and controls a conversation has really really taught me how to deal with people. I.e being calm ,humble and knowledge knowing how to speak will destroy most people in an argument.

Anyhow recently he's just kinda slipped into the left vs right thing and he's becoming another poster child for the "alt right" . Can't tell you how many numb nut neck beards I've talked to on Discord trying to quote him as to explain why they can't get laid, completely just redoing his words so they can blame everyone around them and take no personal responsibility ??? 

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I don’t think you have to be “alt right” or “anti woke”……you just have to call stuff like it is, that will offend an awful lot of people but that can’t be helped.


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7 hours ago, Wolfdog91 said:

Dudes kinda slipping into the whole right vs left thing ...

 And so on?

Thanks. That was an Explanation :good: I can put the whole thing behind me now. I have a vision of how the guy carries on. That's all I really wanted :)

Interestingly; I read that Joe Rogan is extremely good at this shit too. I'm not a 'follower' of Joe. I really don't 'Do' podcasts. Generally too long for me to sit about for. Maybe good for road journeys, alone?

But, anyway, yeah. Heard he's very good at handling debates, because he has the whole body posture, voice tone ... right down to Breathing thing nailed. Clever stuff.

:D I wonder? Do these two, after having had some pink haired living stereotype completely losing their shit ~ doing the whole, bulging eyed, foaming at the mouth, autistic screeching thing. Do they sit back, later that night. Watching the video play back and thinking:

" Fukk, yeah! Really got That one going! :rofl: "

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Peterson and Rogan are part of what is sometimes called the intellectual dark web. A group of prominent thinkers who are challenging the narrative, and showing up the lies of the mainstream. The mainstream would have you believe they are Nazis/Fascists, but anyone of a stable mind after listening to them would quickly realise that is not true. And the media hate it! Certain groups within the establishment have tried to shut him down, such is the threat they feel he is.

Rogan has really tuned in to the demand for this to the point he's leading the world in this kind of free discourse. It's really resonated.

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10 minutes ago, Born Hunter said:

Peterson and Rogan are part of what is sometimes called the intellectual dark web. ..... It's really resonated.

:icon_eek: Wow! Thanks, Born! That was a fukking answer :notworthy: ~ and from the last person on the planet I'd have imagined would have any interest in such stuff.

(Forgive me; Peterson? Maybe so. Brains there. But, Rogan?! Cage Fight Commentator? Maybe I judged That book by the cover)

Dunno. I'm now Way too conscious of time to squander mine, where I can help it. Maybe though, with this new clue, I could give these guys a try as a more 'down time' thing :hmm:

Not sure I need any advice on how to walk and talk, at my stage in the game. Walking ~ at all ~ is quite enough for me! :laugh: And, I try not to even bother with the whole 'world view' shit any more. Fukk all I can do about that.

But, maybe Jo Ro? Might be interesting, just to Watch him.


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Lol you know you don't just have to sit down and watch the podcast right lol ? Most of the time I have them playing over a speaker or in my head phone while I'm cooking mowing grass welding ect. 

But I'll tell you Joe's big thing is he doesn't tell anyone their right or wong , he just listens and asks questions which I think alot of people are starved for. Like he has people you never heard of or could imagine would think the way they do on talking . Mike Tysons podcast with him was a personal favorite.


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