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Catch Dogs on mountain lion/leopard

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Not well. ?

Good eye!

Hounds like that tend to have short careers. lol I went bobcat hunting with hounds last year. Plott Hounds, and Treeing Walkers. They caught one on the ground and did most of the work. I stepped

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  On 18/09/2022 at 07:12, Bolushi said:

And you say dogs are no match for cougars. See? I can deny history too dumbass... the problem is neither of us are allowed to deny history. It's not like ''On 5/10/85 a Dogo killed a cougar.'' no, it's ''since 5/10/85 100,000 cougars were killed by Dogos.''


I said they were no match for a full grown healthy leopard.

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  On 18/09/2022 at 07:13, Aussie Whip said:

I find that hard to believe, I think you wait every day to see another animal being baited in a cage, you are a sick cnt.


Yes, they're stupid creatures they deserve it. Maybe they'll learn to fight instead of being pussies. Even hyenas do better than them, at least while they don't do shit they're durable. Saw one getting the shit beaten out of it by a Boerboel in a trailer, they're also useless but better fighters than cougars and more durable.

I would love to tie down a cougar's little hands and then let a bunch of Jagdterriers slowly nip it to death while artificially inseminating it through its ass.

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  On 18/09/2022 at 07:15, Aussie Whip said:

I said they were no match for a full grown healthy leopard.


As it stands cougars weigh more and have more robust forelimbs but even their stupid little hands couldn't subdue a greyhound so for a leopard to subdue a Dogo it would need a 20lb size advantage at least.

They're slightly better at kicking and screaming than cougars, I'll give you that, but at the end of the day their mouth goes open and shut in its death spasms from a Dogo eating it like the stupid animal it is. Less stupid than cougars, but still fully awful at everything combative.

Edited by Bolushi
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