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Catch Dogs on mountain lion/leopard

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Not well. ?

Good eye!

Hounds like that tend to have short careers. lol I went bobcat hunting with hounds last year. Plott Hounds, and Treeing Walkers. They caught one on the ground and did most of the work. I stepped

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All indications show that a Dogo would torpedo into a leopard without hesitation, it takes one hell of a failure of a breeder to breed a Dogo that wouldn't torpedo into a leopard unless we're talking considerably big males. Some people get lemon Dogos that would effectively act like a cur but they shouldn't act that way and from what I've seen they don't.

Then again Africa has shitty Dogos from Denmark so anything could happen, I'm surprised they worked. IIRC Dogos are there to stop the leopard from treeing but I've seen one potentially being a ''security measure'' for people who shoot leopards that don't want them getting away-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWNESbLMeJ0&t

I know people in Africa do it, but there isn't much out there on it except for a few pictures on some African hunting site and that video of a Dogo chomping on a shot leopard.

Edited by Bolushi
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On 13/09/2022 at 15:53, mr moocher said:

a dogo would tackle a mountain lion not sure about a leopard though ive seen a leopard kill a dogo male on youtube,maybe 3 dogos as said above the dogo would go straight in though

What video was that mate?


seen a few dogs fight leopards off 


german shepherd 


tibetan mastiff 


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5 hours ago, Bolushi said:

Leopards raise their little hands off the ground and get ripped into the dirt by a Dogo of similar size. That video of the leopard thrashing a dead ''Dogo'' in trailer involved a bull-based street dog, not a Dogo.

Maybe an injured or sick leopard. Saying one dog could easily kill healthy animals on a regular basis is BS. Even if it did the dog is going to be badly or mortally injured and that isn't what hunting is about. Put some footage up to prove your claim. I've seen feral cats towel up bull blooded dogs so let's see these super leopard killers in action.

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2 hours ago, Aussie Whip said:

Maybe an injured or sick leopard. Saying one dog could easily kill healthy animals on a regular basis is BS. Even if it did the dog is going to be badly or mortally injured and that isn't what hunting is about. Put some footage up to prove your claim. I've seen feral cats towel up bull blooded dogs so let's see these super leopard killers in action.

Leopards kill 1,500 dogs a year. How odd there are zero videos of them even beating working dogs in an ambush. And they're on video getting their ass beat by LGDs, and there's accounts of LGDs killing leopards and they suck at killing leopards.
Oh no a feral cat mildly annoyed a dog that didn't want to fight?
You're Australian so you've never actually seen a big cat or watched how they fight dogs for years so I understand why you're saying stupid shit, but I recommend you stop doing that.
It's impossible for a bulldog to successfully hunt something it can't subdue 1 on 1. Bulls, bears, boars, hyenas, guanaco, donkey, cougars/leopards etc. etc. it wouldn't work if said animal could regularly kill or mortally wound the dog on a regular basis because then hunters would have a stroke. Ah shit I lost another dog! Oh no another one! That's the 10th dog! You'll notice jaguar and lion dogs are rough curs and scenthounds because a dog can't waltz up to one and subdue it. Cougar and leopard dogs can afford to be like a bulldog and snag them by the head and shake them around because they have tiny hands with worthless claws and if they exert themselves for more than 1 minute (30 seconds with the thrashing and fatigue of a bulldog) they are in pain because their muscles are full of lactic acid and they hate fighting. They hate being looked at, fighting a bulldog is complete torture and hell for them, especially because they're going to lose.

This video doesn't mean shit because it's something smart people already know, plus the circumstances are relatively dubious because that individual cat is small (that's not a valid excuse to devalue the video because they didn't hand pick the cat), but here!!! I'll show you a video. Stupid cat leapt straight into the Dogo's mouth.



Also cougars have more robust limbs than leopards do, but the leopard is better at panicking and doing nothing to save itself. Sadly for the leopard, a bulldog does not give a shit about whatever rakings the leopard gives as the leopard is being murdered.
A weight advantage isn't necessary at all because grappling with your little hands isn't an advantage at all. It's a disadvantage and this is why cats end up on their backs instantly every time they engage with a gripping dog close in weight (and that's even if the dog is under their weight). They lift their little hands off the ground and lose their foundation, the dog grabs them with its mouth, attached to a neck and body stronger than the cats arms anyway, and then planted to the ground by 4 legs, each more robust than the felines legs, and unsurprisingly they instantly rip the frail cat down into the dirt, stand over it and maul it. Stealth and ambush and a quick killing bite are advantages, grappling with hands is not an advantage. Grappling with hands did allow for bite specialization, but in the grapple itself it's a disadvantage.

Edited by Bolushi
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