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Depends on the lie of your shooting land & the rabbit behaviour on it.On my shoot theres parts the rabbit sun themselves i,ll sit there under cover full cammo & pick the ones off that appear but it can be slow.Stalking them is a lot more exciting but can be very fustrating & very sweaty if you cover a lot of ground like i do :hunter:

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luckily for me the rabbits by me seem totally indiferent to my presence on the field. as long as i move slowly i can pretty much just pick a spot stalk out to it then go prone. the field where i shoot is absolutley crawling with them. sometimes infact it feels like im taking the piss its so easy. they are either sunning themselves or wondering around grazing. of course once they see one of their cousins doin backflips due to a .22 lodged in the head they soon scarper but if i stay unmoving there back out in 20 mins or sooner. i think it really depends on the land, and the mood of the group. never tried a hide mind you, and only form of camo is my jacket. just got a bsa tactical on sat, done some paper punching and am well pleased, will be trying it out on the rabbit next weekend . will let you know the outcome :thumbs:

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  willrennyferreter said:
i get a 12bore and just trudge the area at the farm i shoot at enything that is a pest and gets within range is dead much more fun then sitting bored in a tent :thumbs:


That's how I like to do it and at this time of year it keeps you much warmer too! :thumbs:

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  Ratman2 said:
  willrennyferreter said:
i get a 12bore and just trudge the area at the farm i shoot at enything that is a pest and gets within range is dead much more fun then sitting bored in a tent :thumbs:


That's how I like to do it and at this time of year it keeps you much warmer too! :thumbs:


You pair of philistine's............. :whistling::laugh:

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I mainly stalk my prey, but there has been the odd occasion where i`ve sat and waited for them to come to me.



Man after me own heart! ;)


I must admit, i prefer to snipe at my opportunities too - once they're above ground its a case of " phut . . . . .TWACK . . . . . Good night Vienna!!" :D




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Guest little_lloyd

Most of the time when i take a daylight walk with the lightning its stalking them,, i find this more fun and challanging and seem to get more out of it,, But as a few of you i cover a fait bit of ground and in the summer all camoed up you can find your self in a horrible swetty mess before the stalks over.


In the summer evenings after i got home from minkhounds i used to go sit on a style over looking a large feild and you could nag a few as they amereged from the burry's.


Also on my ground is a large mound of earth. Warrens in the hedges bellow the mound,, you can lie down on the mound and pop of the bunnys bellow all day afternoon or morning in the non mxyi summer months. :boxing:


But Stalking over sitting out anyday for me :yes:

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We try to do a bit of both but mainly stalk as the x3 lots of shooting rights me and the lads cover are quite vast and take a good x3hrs plus to cover on foot. There tends to be quite a variance of terrain on our shoots ( rivers, woodland, farmland, quarries and commercial land) so stalking suits me just fine, but sometimes a little patience tends to pay off with quarry sometimes creeping out for a quick look to see if we have gone especially on the commercial land.


Hope this helps


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Has to be stalking for me, you cant beat the anticipation and suspense of what is around the next hedgerow or through the next gatehole, What you cant beat is when a bunny legs it out in front of you, stops and gives you the look,(at a nice twenty yard), you slowly lift your rifle, as to not scare the little bugger off and get him nicely spotted between your crosshairs. Thwack and send it sprawling.

You never know whats going to present itself when your out and about but id say much more than sitting in a hide. Ive done a bit of waiting outside warrens ligged down or sat on my arse and i dont really have the paitence for it, a bit too much like carp fishing!! :no:

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Guest little_lloyd
  willrennyferreter said:
you get sweaty how unfit are you? i go ferreting lamping and shooting and i dont get sweaty?



Then your f*****g superman bud :thumbs:


Your telling me if you where walking around for hours on end on a summers day in camo over trousers,, One of those big camo coats and a face mask plus under clothing ,, you would not feel the heat,, Jog on ;)


im a fat b***%*d living of mc donalds and KFC, See for yourself,... :)


Yes im unfit :yes:




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So if you sweat then you are unfit? :laugh: Again another classic post by willrenny.


I generally stalk them, but have done abit in makeshift hides made from wooden crates and camo netting :D but dosent really do much for me, get bored. Mind you Im not into shooting rabbits at all to be honest.

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