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Flea problem

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Hi, just wondering what people use to kill fleas. I freeze my rabbits to reduce the number of fleas my ferrets get and when they eventually do get fleas from the grass or whatever I use a little spot on from Amazon however every now and then I see the odd one, how do people not have problems with fleas? Thanks 

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Another frontline user.. it's the best on ticks although if you can see them I pull them out.  It's inevitable ferrets will bring a lot of fleas back from a day out rabbiting. I only treat mine about once a month in season and not at all in summer. By the time you get home the fleas wlll have fed and later will drop off into bedding. For me It's really important to clean bedding chambers and boxes about 24 -48 hours after ferreting. It's a simple disinfectant wipe into corners and swap straw / wash fleece 

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