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The Unintended Keeper ( Diary of a keeping blagger )

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Well that’s it for another season  last Saturday was game shooting at its best, lovely clear day, freezing cold and just syndicate members shooting ( and my mate Mosh, but he’s with me, so that’s

Well thank you SL. I have just completed my suspension and read the above posts.  Going forward I will not make any more negative comments and hopefully get this section back to the way it u

So. I’ve decided to start a new thread for the 22/23 season up at the shoot now as you know I’ve been involved with my shoot for a long time ( 15 years or so ) my intention when I joined was to s

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Well, me birds are coming along, they are eating a crazy amount of feed, ( between 100 and 120kg every 48 hours) still not wandering too far, they are starting to feather up well, as they haven’t all buggered off I take it they know where they live now so if they want to go a bit further during the day I’m not too concerned 




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Had a walk around the sheep farm last night mainly to shoot a few rabbits, got a few rabbits and started to head back towards the farm along the bottom of the fields, when I looked through the thermal I spotted a fox about 500 yards from me, I didn’t have a caller with me so it was old school lip squeaking, the fox was still moving away from me so though it was sh*t or bust and gave it the loudest lip squeak I could, it turned and started to run towards me, I stopped it at around 70 yards, lamp on and a .17HMR through the bib dropped it on the spot without even a twitch, one of this years, a dog in perfect condition but it didn’t half stink




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  • 5 weeks later...

Quick bird update, they moving further through the drives by the day, they will be done with the pellets by the end of the week, we are a little under 5 weeks before the first day so looking at them I think they should be tailed up and ready by then, as always there will still be some smaller birds on the first day so some selective shooting will be required 





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  • 1 month later...

Quick update on my shoot, we were meant to have our first day on the 28th of October but due to weather we decided to cancel the day, so this coming Saturday will be our first day, better for me as I didn’t think the birds were quite ready where as now they are, I was up there for first light this morning and they are spread out right throughout the shoot, so fingers crossed for a good first day on Saturday 🤞






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