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Right boys, I am asking you lot to check in your bits and pieces drawer as I am on the scrounge.  My Snowpeak / Artemis P35 is needing another mod (long story so I won't bother) and I have given most of the spare mods I had away BUT I have one of those love it or hate it mods, the Huggett which has a screw fitting that fits something but I have no idea what, Soooooo I am looking for another adaptor, either 1/2'' unf female as per the most common mods as I have an Eagle AMP-3 adaptor to fit the P35 thread and a 1/2'' male outer thread  OR  a Huggett fitting to P35 adaptor directly. I am not able to tell you what the thread is as I am a moron with stuff like this as some of you know, I am sure you get my drift guys.

You will see from the photo's that the AMP-3 thread is quite different to the Huggett thread so it will not fit my P35 shroud. Here are a few photo's to try and explain what I am waffling on about.





If anyone can help either with a part that will fit or where I can get one from, I would be grateful.


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8 hours ago, villaman said:

One of the worst mods out same with donny crap . Just my opinion 

I have no idea Mitch as I have never used it, just one that seemed to turn up in my spares drawer and as it is only for use in the garden, I am not that bothered. If I am not happy with it, I will buy an HW mod so time will tell.

I will send you a pm shortly mate.


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18 hours ago, philpot said:

I have no idea Mitch as I have never used it, just one that seemed to turn up in my spares drawer and as it is only for use in the garden, I am not that bothered. If I am not happy with it, I will buy an HW mod so time will tell.

I will send you a pm shortly mate.


I'll send you the twink back if it's any good Phil 

I can't for the life of me get a new back for it as you know it's all ready been adapted for a mod 

And imop far better than a hugget 

It's just sitting in the Cubert Phil 

Atvbjimmy ???

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The connector arrived today but alas it was for the Magnum mod so that will be going back on Tuesday, hopefully I will get the right one soon.

While is the shop I was playing with a s/h Wildcat Mk1 or 2 that took my fancy, if money allowed, however it had a Huggett Bellita mod fitted (same as I have) and this was super quiet so I picked up an hw100 to compare it with the hw mod, NO DIFFERENCE.............................well that surprised me after hearing the comments about the Huggett. I was not able to transfer the mod onto the HW100 to test on that gun as it had the connector for the FX shroud but it encouraged me so hopefully it will be okay for my P35, time will tell.


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