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9 year old girl shot and killed in Liverpool.

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  On 23/08/2022 at 15:46, Daniel cain said:

give it a rest lads,a f***ing child has been killed and the usual suspects are at each others throats?...

like I said,you play the game,then there should be consiquences...people earning millions peddling their shit,slap on the wrist out in a few yrs...then back at it...you stand around,posing with lumps of shit,cash and guns....then the normal laws shouldn't apply to them,snatch them from their beds,and do them in,no trial,no jury ,send a message ?


   took the words right out my mouth Daniel,   show some respect ,     a nine year old child ffs 

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Drugs and a lawless society it's not the first time a child has been shot in Liverpool i strongly believe that now is the time capital punishment should be put to a public referendum vote as to whethe

give it a rest lads,a f***ing child has been killed and the usual suspects are at each others throats?... like I said,you play the game,then there should be consiquences...people earning millions

imagine being that mother and what's she's going through...we all know that vile piece of scum that shot the poor child is to blame... but that mother is always going to be thinking I wish I neve

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  On 23/08/2022 at 15:46, Daniel cain said:

give it a rest lads,a f***ing child has been killed and the usual suspects are at each others throats?...

like I said,you play the game,then there should be consiquences...people earning millions peddling their shit,slap on the wrist out in a few yrs...then back at it...you stand around,posing with lumps of shit,cash and guns....then the normal laws shouldn't apply to them,snatch them from their beds,and do them in,no trial,no jury ,send a message ?


And last week it was an old boy in a wheelchair and the week before that….and, and, and……

Whats the next atrocity we will cry crocodile tears over next week ?

Just when you think it can’t get any worse….it does.

It’s no f***ing accident that 3rd world horrors are being committed on our streets daily and anyone associated with helping the 3rd world infest my nation should be ashamed ! 

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  On 23/08/2022 at 12:21, TOMO said:

Yeh I get that....but many years ago I got nicked for poaching with a 410 shotgun...so I don't think that would bait fair for some chap just poaching a few birds


Tomo,do you wear your jeans round your knees?walk with a stone in your shoe for that gangster limp?and call every cnut blood?...? you would be safe under my rules?

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  On 23/08/2022 at 15:53, WILF said:

And last week it was an old boy in a wheelchair and the week before that….and, and, and……

Whats the next atrocity we will cry crocodile tears over next week ?

Just when you think it can’t get any worse….it does.

It’s no f***ing accident that 3rd world horrors are being committed on our streets daily and anyone associated with helping the 3rd world infest my nation should be ashamed ! 


totally agree with what you say Wilf,I honestly do... government need to find a solution to this rot....why not ship these f***ing plastic gangsters to Rwanda??? let them live among the proper animals??? f**k their human rights,they don't deserve nowt?

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  On 23/08/2022 at 13:08, WILF said:

I wonder, however did our society get like that ?

Did we do something to cause it ?

Answers on a postcard:

We told you so




When hip hop /rap/grime became main stream this opened the eyes to the public what’s was going on. Then they made films tv series aimed at young adolescents almost glorifying it. 

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  On 23/08/2022 at 16:00, Gypsydog94 said:

When hip hop /rap/grime became main stream this opened the eyes to the public what’s was going on. Then they made films tv series aimed at young adolescents almost glorifying it. 


I've listened to hip hop since the 80's mate,never made me want to run around with a shooter popping a cap in people's arses?...I believe we are all products of our environment ...monkey see,monkey do..if you have no one to look up to/ guide you on the right path then,unless you want out,your f****d ?

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I don't know the cause ,I haven't got any answers ,but to turn something like this into a continuation of your silly little arguments that have gone on for years ,or to point score ,because you hate the city ,is shameful .

There are too many backward ,horrible c**ts on this site .

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  On 23/08/2022 at 16:09, Daniel cain said:

I've listened to hip hop since the 80's mate,never made me want to run around with a shooter popping a cap in people's arses?...I believe we are all products of our environment ...monkey see,monkey do..if you have no one to look up to/ guide you on the right path then,unless you want out,your f****d ?


   cant be doin we all that hip hop crap, pants round there ankles, im a george formby type of guy, winifred atwell, joe loss,  eh them were the days, me n doris nichols at bolton palladium, boy did we just cut the rug together, im cutting the rug now, ive just collapsed at the thoughts of me n doris

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  On 23/08/2022 at 16:00, Gypsydog94 said:

When hip hop /rap/grime became main stream this opened the eyes to the public what’s was going on. Then they made films tv series aimed at young adolescents almost glorifying it. 


I listen to all those types of music  and watched every film/series with that grimey genre and that's a bullshit excuse; the same as when people blame it on call of duty.  

Truth of the matter is that's its the natural progression for the way these people live there lives. If your fuxking about with drugs and 'badmen' then you're going to need a way of protecting your self and removing the competition. Knives, guns and dogs are just the tools they have unfortunately for people that get caught in the crossfire 

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  On 23/08/2022 at 16:09, Daniel cain said:

I've listened to hip hop since the 80's mate,never made me want to run around with a shooter popping a cap in people's arses?...I believe we are all products of our environment ...monkey see,monkey do..if you have no one to look up to/ guide you on the right path then,unless you want out,your f****d ?


I’m the same as you. But I was in secondary school when kidulthood came out week later kids carrying knives into school to be like the film. Some kids will have a phase and move on and grow up some will get sucked into that hole of scum and unable to get out. I have no answer to sort it ??‍♂️

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  On 23/08/2022 at 16:09, Daniel cain said:

I've listened to hip hop since the 80's mate,never made me want to run around with a shooter popping a cap in people's arses?...I believe we are all products of our environment ...monkey see,monkey do..if you have no one to look up to/ guide you on the right path then,unless you want out,your f****d ?


rap was more about struggles etc what was going on 

this grime shit ching this chef that f**k absolute bollocks how anyone can listen to the shit is beyond me 

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  On 23/08/2022 at 16:18, South hams hunter said:

I listen to all those types of music  and watched every film/series with that grimey genre and that's a bullshit excuse; the same as when people blame it on call of duty.  

Truth of the matter is that's its the natural progression for the way these people live there lives. If your fuxking about with drugs and 'badmen' then you're going to need a way of protecting your self and removing the competition. Knives, guns and dogs are just the tools they have unfortunately for people that get caught in the crossfire 


know one doing that wants to bring attention  by shooting etc that’s a last resort 

the ones thinking there badmen  knives dogs are the f***ing retards on the street corner 

and listening to that shitty grime have them believeing it’s the way young kids easily follow

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  On 23/08/2022 at 16:16, Astanley said:

I don't know the cause ,I haven't got any answers ,but to turn something like this into a continuation of your silly little arguments that have gone on for years ,or to point score ,because you hate the city ,is shameful .

There are too many backward ,horrible c**ts on this site .


It’s called a conversation, it may not be to your taste but that’s what it is.

Personally I prefer to talk about these things rather than do my best impression of a broken heart then turn over to the sports page.

Yours truly, 

Backwards c**t x

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I've never been a believer in the death sentence but.....

Hopefully the police will look closely into the to men being chased as it all sounds a bit dodgy to me.



ps, The only silver lining is that this shocks us so much because of its rarity, some places this would hardly make a headline.

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