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The shoot captain on one of my grounds phoned last night to say the farmer had lost 4 hens yesterday morning and could I have a look out to see if we could sort anything.


Anyway I lamped the 1st fox near his farmhouse but wasnt a safe shot so I had to circle round the back of the fox and take a shot off my sticks which I dont like doing , I stalked pretty close to the fox , switched on the lamp and to my surprise it was lying down just looking at me , it was a real beauty as well , anyway I missed the f****r , I dont know why but I am shooting badly off sticks at the moment , I must go out and do some practice. :(


Not all was a disaster though as a bit later on I managed to shoot a dog fox , this time off the bipod though :yes::thumbs:




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I've got a monster on one of my sites as well, seen him on 3 occassions so far including about 1.00am this morning just as I was driving away from the site.


He is a real crafty ****** but I hope to have him soon, there does seem to be an awful lot about at the moment!



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OK David , we will try and get out this week , see if we can christen that new rifle :thumbs:


Foxdropper I will get some practise in mate , out this weekend and shot a couple off my sticks , will put up a post tomorrow as Im knackered.


Cheers Foxy

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OK David , we will try and get out this week , see if we can christen that new rifle :thumbs:


Foxdropper I will get some practise in mate , out this weekend and shot a couple off my sticks , will put up a post tomorrow as Im knackered.


Cheers Foxy

youve been a bit quiet lately thought youd died keep up the posts !

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  Nemo said:
OK David , we will try and get out this week , see if we can christen that new rifle :thumbs:


Foxdropper I will get some practise in mate , out this weekend and shot a couple off my sticks , will put up a post tomorrow as Im knackered.


Cheers Foxy

youve been a bit quiet lately thought youd died keep up the posts !



Ok John,


Have you been doing much this season ? Must meet up again sometime ?


Cheers Foxy

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