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Chemtrails what do you think

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this is nothing new, look back in history and maybe not that far. to list just a few..


solders at portland down being told they were going to carry out a test against flu, reality of it all was nerv gas testing.


Solders in the gulf being told the pills were giving you will help you in a chemical attack, reality is they are realy using you as a crash test dummy for some new form of warfair. make the adults sterile and you have nobody repopulating a foriagn race. OF COURSE GULF WAR SYNDROME IS ALL IN THE MINDS OF THE SOLDERS WHO FOUGHT THERE, IT DOESNT REALY EXIST, DOES IT?


christmas Island, come and watch the fireworks boys. reality is were going to cook you from the inside out and then record the results over the next 30yrs to see what radiation realy does to the human body.


back in the 50s and 60s the US government carring out test on the public using LSD pumped from a parked cars exhaust. all this done at a time where drug use in the USA was a sin as big as being a communist.


The list goes on and on and these are only the ones we hear about. next thing you will hear from the USA government is its all hype and a war raged by anti Americans. BUt i ask you this, why if they fear us knowing the truth do government persist in media black outs?


Now heres one for you conspircy lovers...... If the world is so sure that we have not been in contact with aliens why did the US government spend millions of dollor's passing a law by US Congress to stop any american citizen from harbouring an alien from outta space just weeks after the launch of Mr Spielburghs film E.T ?

WHY? BECAUSE THEY ALLREADY HAVE MADE CONTACT AND THE LIKES OF YOU AND I ARNT PRIVY TO THAT KIND OF INFORMATION. Think about it for a moment, if we were in contact with beings from outter space there would be civil unrest on a world scale as this would bring mass fear and the likes of our humble minds couldnt cope. Where would all the religons of the world be then? one master creator theories will be blown out the window :D:D

and to add weight to the argument what about area 15 is it? and hanger 18 at roswell? and are those shooting stars we see in the sky at night or a time traveler on his way to visit us? :icon_eek:


god only knows the answers but one things for sure, we wont be told.



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I agree mate i think myself theres enough evidence to support genetic modification by the gods that came from the skies. Archeology that doesnt fit the history books is never talked about but now theres more historians talking about ancient Sumer and the Annunaki and with the increase in sightings of late more people are catching on and looking into things properly.

Trouble is if they have been in contact for so long knowing is not going to help us anyway.

The truth as you rightly say is out there and just like people finding out about additives etc in our food supply the ufo enigma will start to unravel too i only hope they never police the web as it would be back to just knowing the bullshit they want you to know.

These lines in the sky are as far as i can gather used to do several things.

1. Reflect the suns rays

2. Stop spy satellites from being used.

3. Sending messages using the charged particles in the air

And above all keep the population debilitated by making them unhealthy and unable to think clearly and at the same time make money on the drugs that everyone is taking for their illnesses. :whistling:

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Nowt wrong with stargate i like how they use actual names from undisclosed files like Thor and the quotes from the wizzard of oz classic :clapper:

Are you ready for the cosmic alingment in december 2012 NASA has just cofirmed that the sun will cease to kick out as much heat after the pole shift back to cold winters once more thank god or is it the ebe his royal omnipitence krill :laugh:

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december 2012 NASA has just cofirmed that the sun will cease to kick out as much heat after the pole shift back to cold winters once more thank god

They'll have to stop using global warming to fleece us of our money then, won't they! :laugh: What will be the next weapon of extorsion? Global cooling? :laugh:

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:clapper: :clapper: Lets just hope its not an ice age it will cost a fortune price of oil and gas.


The public is better informed now than it ever has been the rabbit hole is getting deeper but theres a long way to go to get to the bottom. :wallbash:


911 is the key i think if that uravels everyone will take notice of what govts are capable of :thumbs:


I predict next five years world getting hotter, electricity blackouts, global monetary collapse, severe weather patterns, sunamis, earthquakes and collapse of society forcing marshall law and the admission that we are not alone. ;)

Edited by juckler123
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