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Guest little_lloyd



When they go hunting for the beast of bodmin,, that had me in histerics PMSL :laugh::laugh:


You would of thought if they wanted real evedence of big cat activity in the UK they would of investigated that big cats lair would you :hmm:

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When they go hunting for the beast of bodmin,, that had me in histerics PMSL :laugh::laugh:


You would of thought if they wanted real evedence of big cat activity in the UK they would of investigated that big cats lair would you :hmm:



If i would of gone in the dark unknown den i would of taken more then a pissy little axa more like a sub machine gun no more big cat then just little bit all about the plase....

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Guest little_lloyd


When they go hunting for the beast of bodmin,, that had me in histerics PMSL :laugh::laugh:


You would of thought if they wanted real evedence of big cat activity in the UK they would of investigated that big cats lair would you :hmm:



If i would of gone in the dark unknown den i would of taken more then a pissy little axa more like a sub machine gun no more big cat then just little bit all about the plase....


All bullshit :yes: ,, he said there was a lamb and atleast two animals in there lmfao :laugh::laugh:

This Lair has not been followed up and probally never will,, therefore its SHITE :(

But that spraying done it for me :clapper:

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I suppose badger,otter & anything else he could scrape up tastes like chicken :icon_eek: .That Cliff fella the big cat hunter with his bottle of bleach to scare the big panther away :laugh::laugh: .I found it intresting but very very strange :wacko: :wacko:

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feck me bodmin moor is full of nut jobs :wacko: ... deliverance has feck all on that place ..............


Oi, i live om the edge of the moor and im as sane as the next man !!!!!!

But i,ll forgive you cus you sure got a pretty mouth boy. :kiss: 8)



You watched Deliverance too many times mate!

De dah dern dern der der der der

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