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Worlds population to reach 8 billion this year.

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The topic was about the world population explosion, and a few here correctly said that White Europeans are not the blame. You smashed in like the A team with your normal “Don’t  matter colour of

It's poverty stricken countries that are driving the population expansion, not people with good standards of living ?

overpopulated with foreigners ? 

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  On 16/07/2022 at 10:21, TOMO said:

actually my mate who I was on about is a white English fella ...lol

but I know what you mean


He would be exceptional in this day and age though mate wouldn’t he.

I have 4 kids and people like me ain’t the norm.

Any bit of data anyone cares to look at will tell us that white Europeans are well below replacement birth rate, it’s Asia and Sub Saharan Africa who are having all the kids.

Edited by WILF
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  On 16/07/2022 at 10:45, JBs Left Peg said:

The whole world needs to stop having multiple children no matter what their race - colour - Country or Culture.

2 Children per Person - Couple then snipped should be the rule for everyone .

No exceptions ‘ no cop outs no matter what your social status ‘ standing or wealth .

Royalty and so called Elites included .


What part of if white Europeans don’t start having more kids then we will die out are you not grasping ? 
It’s not us having the kids, it’s Asian and Africans and derivatives there of !

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  On 16/07/2022 at 10:41, mackem said:

Westerners used to think the Chinese one-child policy was odd, f***ing hell they were before their time, places like Sudan and Nigeria should implement it. 


they have now scrapped that cos there population was dropping to much

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  On 16/07/2022 at 10:56, TOMO said:

they have now scrapped that cos there population was dropping to much


Yup, there was a knock on effect as well, it led to 30 million Chinese men having no wives, all that sexual tension and no outlet, there used to be (maybe still is) kidnap gangs grabbing women in Vietnam and selling them as wives in China. 

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  On 16/07/2022 at 11:06, JBs Left Peg said:

The worlds population is at a tipping point.

There will be no coming back in 50 years or so if it don’t start declining instead of rising across the board no matter what your race or colour .

Simple as that.

Wars of the future will be fought over the basics of Food and Water.

Flaura - Fauna - Forsets and Eco Systems will be decimated .

Its going to be a sad bad shitty planet for folks grandkids the way we are destroying everything that’s for sure.

There is a Bigger picture that creed - colour and race.

Humanity ‘ the Human Race is in trouble along with everything around us ‘because of us ?


No need to preach to me max, I have seen it first hand, but western population really is dropping, lessons learnt, its Asia and Africans taking it over the edge, Thailand is actually dropping despite being a developing and not first world country, they are actually trying to encourage people to have more kids. 

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There's plenty of room in the world for everyone an more,it's are rubbish that we need to get sorted,if we can keep the oceans clean etc we'll be gran.

One thing I know I'm not a big dump on our oceans like big companies who get away with it,it's them that's wreaking the planet.

So forgive for not taking people seriously when we're told to save the planet,its not average joe doing it,it's big corporations,an they've the cheek to pass it on to us.

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