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Being Britith......

Guest Lord B

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so what can he say ? caramac ?


goverment shit got worried when the bnp got in a few tho didnt they , people have had enough . maybe when it's affects your sport or your family you will think different

It doeas affect my sport, my family and the industry I work in......try mocha for size, might be more PC.....god I hate PC, but we've seen today already what having an opinion does.


Lurchergrrl raised a valid point, as a Canadian (I think ?)....At what point does one become "not" an imigrant? After a period of time, or a period of contribution to society and its values?


I was adopted. born in Wales to an Irish woman.....because at the time abortion and adoption were both iliegal in Ireland. So, I'm not British by birth. But I served in the Queens army, I donate money regularly to British charities, have raised money for The Prince's Trust in the past and am about to climb Aconcagua and do a race to the North Pole early next year for an armed forces charity SSAFA. So I contribute a bit to "society". But am I an imigrant? Or, because I am a white Christian, is it irrelavent?

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I,m probarbly, the "soft element" in this thread, foxdropper, how would you propose to close the borders, and sort them out for deportation then?

How can you legally deport a person from another member state of the EU who has legally come here to work, across a legal , open border?

Lets put it another way...if the 2 million idle b*****ds, who ARE british, and claiming dole, had got off their fat arses and got the jobs that were there to be had, we wouldn,t have the immigrant problem we have now, because there wouldn,t have been the job vacancies for them, so no reason for them to come.

Its no good whatsoever spouting off the policies of the bnp, because they aren,t legal, wouldn,t work, and are basically a sick joke.

Exactly what I am saying

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Having seen first hand ,the mindset of some of these illegals i can honestly say hand on heart that this country needs a hard line policy to deal with it .The writing was on the wall when they dug the foundations for the first mosque FFS,a mosque in Britain .Perhaps they would like a church in Bagdad square :blink:

You would have thought the feckers would have kept there heads down over here but no ,fecking mosques,telling us what can and cant be taught in schools ,and dare i say it ,planning under our noses to blow us up . You can pander to their tune if you like but not me . :censored:

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A close friend (Lord B from here) advertised a number of jobs (3 or 4) unskilled labouring jobs, but easy money for someone who likes working outsdoors. About £7 an hour, 40ish hours a week, flexi hours if needed, paid lunch, free lunch included as well as some sort of health insurance or other. Not great money but a good oportunity for a regular income, the chance to work outdoors, a bit of overtime etc....after weeks of advertising in the local papers at Job Centre and word of mouth did so much as 1 English/British......farm is in Wales actually....apply for the job??? NOT ONE. So why should he not employ any of the europeans that applied? Had he not, the farm would be in deep shit, with no staff to do the work.
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leegreen i would still get the same money off the sick it would just mean you would be getting taxed more..........

What a rubbish answer, you said you couldn't go to work as you didn't have enough time because your out with the dogs all the time. I said that is something not to brag about, so who keeps you then and that was your answer ?

If your well enough to go out with the dogs all day your certainly not sick are you? you slacker.

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i get by with the money i get of the sick so you keep working hard and al be okay.....


it's these comment's from the minority, that give false impressions of the majority.

hopefully, if your on the sick, there's a good reason for it. leave it there and stop inflaming everyone.

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Guest bigredbusa

debbage you gotta be on a wind up ?? even if you are not i will not hold it against you .


sporting age , you was born and bred here and have served for your country (mate of lord b so probably fought by telephone ....only kidding buddy) so that does not make you an imigrant does it ?? why even say it?


i heard a story of a group of americans who went to live in gaza , they loved it so much they took on the religion and citizenship , now what they didnt realise was as soon as they done that they had to serve 3 years in the forces lol , a big who har and they went back to the states with the tails between there legs. now if these poles/turks/muslims come to this country and had to serve just for one year , how many would stick around ?..... not bloody many.


my brother is a self made millionaire by ripping people off and treading on anyone in his way (including his own mother) me ....... i have morals hence why i live in my 3 bed and struggle every month , we probably qualify for loads of benefits but we will not take anything .wheres the justice?


feck this country .

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There are some good points being raised here but I am truly stunned by how many small minded, ingnorant bas*ards there are on here! I hope you read back your comments and feel ashamed. For someone not to work and be proud that they chose to claim benefits instead of working shows me why this country is in the state it is. As has already been said if the jobs were not here then we would not have immigrants working them. If there are jobs in this country for immigrants to do then surely there are jobs for the British? Or am I missing something?

I work. I have worked since I left school. My job is not something that most people would want to do. It's bloody hard work but it pays my bills. When my children grow up I want them to be proud of me for working and I hope that they will learn that it is far far better to work and pay your way than to sit around on your arse and receive handouts.

By the way I also go out mooching in a skirt and wellies, much easier than trousers most days!

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my brother is a self made millionaire by ripping people off and treading on anyone in his way (including his own mother) me ....... i have morals hence why i live in my 3 bed and struggle every month , we probably qualify for loads of benefits but we will not take anything .wheres the justice?


feck this country .



Yes but you have self worth and you are probably given respect and certainly if you have children they have someone to look up to and that is priceless.

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I work. I have worked since I left school. My job is not something that most people would want to do. It's bloody hard work but it pays my bills. When my children grow up I want them to be proud of me for working and I hope that they will learn that it is far far better to work and pay your way than to sit around on your arse and receive handouts.

By the way I also go out mooching in a skirt and wellies, much easier than trousers most days!


Erm, so are you saying that i sit around recieving handouts when I'm raising my kids at home till they start school? Because the eejit I married turned out to be more interested in the pub than his family, and I'm nobody's boot tread so I turfed him out for the sake of my kids. I'm at home with them when I'd really rather not be because I believe it's what's best for them and believe me, the dosh doesn't go far when you've got two in nappies. I worked all the way through school, part time, from the age of 13 and full time since I was 19 - I'm a lot of things but lazy ain't one of them. When they're on their way in school I'll be able to give back what I've been recieving by working hard like I always have.


And yes, tights are WAY easier to move around in than a pair of jeans :laugh: Much more comfy when climing up a muddy slope ;)


Ya TSA, I'm Canadian. My gran was from West Derby which enabled me to get a visa to come to Britain; commonwealth country and all that. I'm proud to be Canadian, proud to be living in a country like Britain, and totally ashamed of some of the humans in both places who hide their small minded ignorance behind racist comments.

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Good on you Lurcher girl, for showing your a strong independent lady, there’s many great men out there, but then there’s some who are not, it seems you had the bad luck of having a duffer.

It’s good to see a woman standing on her own two feet, and doing the best by her children and herself.

Some mother’s choose to work, some mother’s choose not too, personally i don’t see a problem with either choice. It’s down to individual families, and what works best for them.

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The beginning to this post is about being british isnt that a German crest on your avatar lord B :hmm:


My Avatar is the creat of the Queen's Dragoon Guards, a cavalry regiment I served with on behalf on this country for a number of years along with other regiments before and after. Seeing service in a number of countries around the world, helping work along side local populations trying to rebuild their lives.


No, I'm not German; but my great grandparents are Irish, does that make me an imigrant? 16 male member of my family have served in the British army, 12 of them died doing so, and I hope that I will not be the last to serve. I am British, I'm proud in many ways of that fact, but I'm also humiliated by what this government (and Blar) has done, what they have turned being British into.


I started this thread as point of discussion, and I think the more moral minded amongst us have used common sence to debate what is a relevant topic to all of us in today's Britain.


If there are 3million legal workers from other countries over here making a contribution, paying taxes, working hard; I say leave them alone. Sure we should help them speak English or understand our culture better but no we should not give them preferentail treatment.


Illegal imigrants and those legals stealing from our system, not wanting to work or contribute; well the system should be tighter in order that they not stay here or are denied entry in the first place.


The 3million (approx as said in an a post above) British born wasters (their race or religion is of no matter) should also be told to p**s off, ship them to Iraq to earn their place in society, I'm fed up paying for them as much as I am any illegal imogrant.


Like I said in a previous post, I do employ some Polish (legal). Why? They applied for the job, the British born guys in the village, whom I know are out of work and claiming all the benefits under the sun did not! And Yes, they knew I was looking for staff!


Thats me signing off for now, as Juckler 123 thinks I am, your Germanic-Irish Forum Imigrant.......


Dont go Lord B it was a genuine question that crest is very simmilar to the german empire crest mind as far as i can work out the queens family is german and mine too more than like thanks to the anglo saxons.

Everywhere is headed for a one world government so a muticultural society is is bound to follow so i can see both sides of the argument .

Crest of the german empire


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