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Being Britith......

Guest Lord B

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I,m probarbly, the "soft element" in this thread, foxdropper, how would you propose to close the borders, and sort them out for deportation then?

How can you legally deport a person from another member state of the EU who has legally come here to work, across a legal , open border?

Lets put it another way...if the 2 million idle b*****ds, who ARE british, and claiming dole, had got off their fat arses and got the jobs that were there to be had, we wouldn,t have the immigrant problem we have now, because there wouldn,t have been the job vacancies for them, so no reason for them to come.

Its no good whatsoever spouting off the policies of the bnp, because they aren,t legal, wouldn,t work, and are basically a sick joke.

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Guest craftycarper

Lets put it another way...if the 2 million idle b*****ds, who ARE british, and claiming dole, had got off their fat arses and got the jobs that were there to be had, we wouldn,t have the immigrant problem we have now, because there wouldn,t have been the job vacancies for them, so no reason for them to come.

Its no good whatsoever spouting off the policies of the bnp, because they aren,t legal, wouldn,t work, and are basically a sick joke.......


:clapper::clapper::clapper: well said

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Guest craftycarper
I wont be dragged into the argument of right vs wrong but my main thought and concern on this matter is the FUTURE........the incoming tide of immigrants is far greater than anyone expected. At present we are just starting to feel the effects of immigrant employment (in the main)


Where will we be in 20 yrs time.....?????



Personally i would like to be living in another country......not nescessarily because of the the foreigners but because of the british......the ones running the country, the government. They are the problem.


ha ha... then you would be an immigrant, why do you think they left their country for the uk...because of their government and the way that they ran their country..


And your information is based on what....????


I actually work with a lot of Romanians, Poles and Hungarians.......they didn't leave their country because of their government.


if you want it spelled out ....

you said you would like to live in another country= immigrant, like it or not you said it.


As for the rest, most of these immigrants are here for a better life for themselves and families, pay is better, work is everywhere mainly because their own government is shit and they are treated like shit due to their economy and also in some countries where mass killing has occured. I did say most, but as in all walks of life we have the scroungers, benefit fraud, murderers,rapists and child abusers and we do a fine job of breeding those in this country alone...as like others on here, i don't like it and it should be dealt with, but on the other hand maybe we should wish them well...lets face it if the government does nowt about it then what do you expect..if it's there to be taken then someones gonna take it...most of this is also about your rights ..apparently everyone has got them.....unless you are born and bred in this country of course, then it's back to the end of the line for you matey and your case would probably end right there, in case it might offend someone, but i stand by what i said earlier, if your a worker, abide by the rules, pay into the system then good luck to you are welcome.....


Thats not what i asked CC......i asked what your info is based on ? Is it based on how you perceive things to be or fact ? Do you have contact with these people or spoken to them ? I have, and like i said.....they didn't leave because of their governments......OUR government attracted them because of what it offers. You also seem to assume i have something against immigrants....maybe i have or maybe i havent but i said i would like to leave because of the British Govt......of course i'd be an immigrant but i'd be an immigrant in a country that actually asked me to go there for what i could offer. Total different scenario i feel......but hey ho like i stated i'll not get into right and wrongs........


Sorry mate i think you have mis-interperated my comments, looking back i don't see any comments i made saying you don't like immigrants, my info is based on what i see & read, in fact if you look at what i wrote it basically is the same as what you have said, albeit written differently. I think the problem is where you say a country that invites you....just because the government invites you with open arms it does not mean that the locals, born and bred here agree with it...do you agree with everything this country does like the ban etc....no i don't think so, it's a case of swings and rounabouts and thats what this is all about...if i say i don't agree with issues like this then i could be classed by some as a rascist.....what a joke. In yesterdays paper there was a story regarding i think avon & somerset or some authority advertising open days for firemen...with the title..whites need not apply :censored: they just wanna recruit woman, blacks and ethnic minorities and that ain't racist....the way the country is run is a joke, hey it was only a couple of years ago that old hook hand was preaching hate and death speeches in central london and the police were there to protect him from the public, anyone else speaking out against him was arrested any how getting slightly off the thread here so i will give it a rest, they are not all bad and like baldie says we breed a lot of our own scum, all i say is that i am against ponces/scum of any kind be it born and bred here or imported, if you respect our country, contribute to our country, and try to make it a better place for all of us then i am for you whatever colour, creed, sex, nationality you are, and also as long as they ain't got a chip on there shoulder which gives them some sort of right to think that i owe them something from my taxes

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The beginning to this post is about being british isnt that a German crest on your avatar lord B :hmm:


My Avatar is the creat of the Queen's Dragoon Guards, a cavalry regiment I served with on behalf on this country for a number of years along with other regiments before and after. Seeing service in a number of countries around the world, helping work along side local populations trying to rebuild their lives.


No, I'm not German; but my great grandparents are Irish, does that make me an imigrant? 16 male member of my family have served in the British army, 12 of them died doing so, and I hope that I will not be the last to serve. I am British, I'm proud in many ways of that fact, but I'm also humiliated by what this government (and Blar) has done, what they have turned being British into.


I started this thread as point of discussion, and I think the more moral minded amongst us have used common sence to debate what is a relevant topic to all of us in today's Britain.


If there are 3million legal workers from other countries over here making a contribution, paying taxes, working hard; I say leave them alone. Sure we should help them speak English or understand our culture better but no we should not give them preferentail treatment.


Illegal imigrants and those legals stealing from our system, not wanting to work or contribute; well the system should be tighter in order that they not stay here or are denied entry in the first place.


The 3million (approx as said in an a post above) British born wasters (their race or religion is of no matter) should also be told to p**s off, ship them to Iraq to earn their place in society, I'm fed up paying for them as much as I am any illegal imogrant.


Like I said in a previous post, I do employ some Polish (legal). Why? They applied for the job, the British born guys in the village, whom I know are out of work and claiming all the benefits under the sun did not! And Yes, they knew I was looking for staff!


Thats me signing off for now, as Juckler 123 thinks I am, your Germanic-Irish Forum Imigrant.......

Edited by Lord B
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Copied this here from the Threatening PM's thread....


Well, there are some NOBS on here; and here was I thinking that NOBS was another forum, come on guys, cut a guy some slack!!


I've just got to J's (Lord house for a bit of Sunday scran; so YES I'm using his PC as I often do seeing as I work a lot from his office trying to set up a sporting agency with him.....


There is a whole load of crap being thrown at J on this thread and the Being British one so he's off, and I can't blame him. No loss I'm sure many of you might think but for f**k sake we are all meant to be on here for the same reason, to talk about, learn and discuss field sports, so come on!!


He's not going to get upset about it or throw his toys out of the pram, or even reply to any of the stupid posts to justify himself; but I will.


Spelling; Christ we are all crap, those that critisize aught to try and read some of the rubbish others write on here. J's as dyslexic as they come and the first to admit it but its no problem to him so why should it be to you? His spelling may be crap but he could out smart anyone here when it comes to verbal confrontation...


The job offer; this post is a big investment in wages for him, its been advertised in the press and I know from taking to him that he thought it a good idea to mention it on this forum; he has had a lot of interest, mostly from the adverts but some on here too. Why should he publicly post his address on here?? Some that have PM'd him have been sent his address so they can apply properly others have just PM'd rubbish so he's done nothing about it. If anyone does still want to apply, then email your details through my website if you are happier doing that?


It seems to me there are many on here who prattle on about "the youth of today", Britishness and values; well J has done more for this country than most of you I'm sure, he doesn't want or expect praise so this isn't a case of blowing sunshine up his arse, he doesn't need that its just a case of getting the facts accross. He's the hardest working person I know (after me ) and has turned the farm business around since his father died; and yes he does still take work abroad to help pay for the next bill or project, why not? Better than sitting on his arse complaining like many seem to. I know, I get him the jobs because its the industry I work in....


J's knowlege about firearms and field sports is remarkable, its more than just in his blood and he's posted some very informative information on here its a pitty some of you don't see that, just want to bash and snipe at what you don't have or understand. I haven't posted much on here because forums aren't really my thing but I joined to see what it was all about, not sure I should have bothered now.


There are some very knowlegable, informative and interesting genuine people on here, but as will all things its just a pitty the knobbers ruin it for others.


As for the real reason behind the start of this thread; it was Axleoil or Axeoil or something like that who sent the PM I think......


Chris (The Sporting Agent)

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i think they want them over so the government can have more money by taxing them.......i don't work not cause i am a lazy b*****d its because am out with the dogs that much i couldn't possible work..........


:blink: Unfecking believable.


I'm an immigrant - who's got a problem with that? What, I can stay because I speak English and have white skin? Or would some of you lot deport me as well? I'm skilled - executive Admin, but atm I'm home with my 3 young kids until the twins start nursery in Sept, so I'm not working. And as my British OH turned out to be nothing more than a useless drunk, I'm on my own (And may I add he is also happy to sign on and work under the table; something I would NEVER do). Should I drag my kids thousands of miles to Canada because my marriage imploded? Not going to happen. I'll be working as soon as the kids have started at school, and doing my level best to set an example for them. I work hard at teaching them things at home, keeping the house in good nick, and the kids mooch with me and the dogs so they're learning respect for the countryside.


Arseholes come in every colour and from every country. When I first came here I was flabbergasted at what the gov't hands out to young kids and lazy out-all-day-with-the-dog types. (Sorry JD but you make yourself look a right plonker) Can't blame folks for coming here and getting a free ride, 'cause there's an awful lot of 'indigenous' Brits who do the same damn thing - BLAME YOUR GOV'T FOR LETTING IT HAPPEN. And, if you're really stirred up about it, try being constructive about making changes.


Oh and btw, for those of you who seem to think that people who stay at home with their kids have fat arses, I'd just like to say that's not the case - my bum looks ok, if you ask me 8)

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i think they want them over so the government can have more money by taxing them.......i don't work not cause i am a lazy b*****d its because am out with the dogs that much i couldn't possible work..........


:blink: Unfecking believable.


I'm an immigrant - who's got a problem with that? What, I can stay because I speak English and have white skin? Or would some of you lot deport me as well? I'm skilled - executive Admin, but atm I'm home with my 3 young kids until the twins start nursery in Sept, so I'm not working. And as my British OH turned out to be nothing more than a useless drunk, I'm on my own (And may I add he is also happy to sign on and work under the table; something I would NEVER do). Should I drag my kids thousands of miles to Canada because my marriage imploded? Not going to happen. I'll be working as soon as the kids have started at school, and doing my level best to set an example for them. I work hard at teaching them things at home, keeping the house in good nick, and the kids mooch with me and the dogs so they're learning respect for the countryside.


Arseholes come in every colour and from every country. When I first came here I was flabbergasted at what the gov't hands out to young kids and lazy out-all-day-with-the-dog types. (Sorry JD but you make yourself look a right plonker) Can't blame folks for coming here and getting a free ride, 'cause there's an awful lot of 'indigenous' Brits who do the same damn thing - BLAME YOUR GOV'T FOR LETTING IT HAPPEN. And, if you're really stirred up about it, try being constructive about making changes.


Oh and btw, for those of you who seem to think that people who stay at home with their kids have fat arses, I'd just like to say that's not the case - my bum looks ok, if you ask me 8)


:clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper: if only everone had the same attitude ant ethic...

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Well said girl :toast: if i had stayed home when my son was small maybe he wouldnt be snorting coke now


Oh Kay :cry: You can't know what life experiences will lead a kid into despair. I don't know how mine will turn out, only just that I'm doing my best.


And it's not easy either. There is only 17 months between my son and the twins. I'm on my own here with no family and some days I could happily jump off a bridge; if I can't get my best mate to look after them and give me a break, then nobody watches them for me and I have to grin and bear it. I sometimes want to go back to work because the kids do my head in - but I'm sacrificing now and keeping my fingers crossed that things will turn out well later. They'll know I didn't work because I'll tell them: I'm doing it for them, not because it's easier than going out to work like some folks seem to think.


Also, not having a good bloke around is a bit of a downer for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that that I'd really like to have a mooching partner who doesn't need me to wipe their bum for them :icon_eek::D

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Well said girl :toast: if i had stayed home when my son was small maybe he wouldnt be snorting coke now


Oh Kay :cry: You can't know what life experiences will lead a kid into despair. I don't know how mine will turn out, only just that I'm doing my best.


And it's not easy either. There is only 17 months between my son and the twins. I'm on my own here with no family and some days I could happily jump off a bridge; if I can't get my best mate to look after them and give me a break, then nobody watches them for me and I have to grin and bear it. I sometimes want to go back to work because the kids do my head in - but I'm sacrificing now and keeping my fingers crossed that things will turn out well later. They'll know I didn't work because I'll tell them: I'm doing it for them, not because it's easier than going out to work like some folks seem to think.


Also, not having a good bloke around is a bit of a downer for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that that I'd really like to have a mooching partner who doesn't need me to wipe their bum for them :icon_eek::D


Well to be honest it was as if i was alone back then anyway, he was about as much use a chocolate tea pot :laugh: all you can do is be there for your children & you are clearly devoted to them :D


I have lived with someone who was drink dependent & i know exactly hiw destroying that is , its all they think about , so i can see how you came to split with him, no child should have to see that kind of thing :thumbs:

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Well said girl :toast: if i had stayed home when my son was small maybe he wouldnt be snorting coke now


Oh Kay :cry: You can't know what life experiences will lead a kid into despair. I don't know how mine will turn out, only just that I'm doing my best.


And it's not easy either. There is only 17 months between my son and the twins. I'm on my own here with no family and some days I could happily jump off a bridge; if I can't get my best mate to look after them and give me a break, then nobody watches them for me and I have to grin and bear it. I sometimes want to go back to work because the kids do my head in - but I'm sacrificing now and keeping my fingers crossed that things will turn out well later. They'll know I didn't work because I'll tell them: I'm doing it for them, not because it's easier than going out to work like some folks seem to think.


Also, not having a good bloke around is a bit of a downer for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that that I'd really like to have a mooching partner who doesn't need me to wipe their bum for them :icon_eek::D



Well said girl :toast: if i had stayed home when my son was small maybe he wouldnt be snorting coke now


Oh Kay :cry: You can't know what life experiences will lead a kid into despair. I don't know how mine will turn out, only just that I'm doing my best.


And it's not easy either. There is only 17 months between my son and the twins. I'm on my own here with no family and some days I could happily jump off a bridge; if I can't get my best mate to look after them and give me a break, then nobody watches them for me and I have to grin and bear it. I sometimes want to go back to work because the kids do my head in - but I'm sacrificing now and keeping my fingers crossed that things will turn out well later. They'll know I didn't work because I'll tell them: I'm doing it for them, not because it's easier than going out to work like some folks seem to think.


Also, not having a good bloke around is a bit of a downer for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that that I'd really like to have a mooching partner who doesn't need me to wipe their bum for them :icon_eek::D


Well to be honest it was as if i was alone back then anyway, he was about as much use a chocolate tea pot :laugh: all you can do is be there for your children & you are clearly devoted to them :D


I have lived with someone who was drink dependent & i know exactly hiw destroying that is , its all they think about , so i can see how you came to split with him, no child should have to see that kind of thing :thumbs:

Well ladies i have to take my hat of to you both, fair play to ye for getting of your arses and doing something about it,

Over this side of the water it's the same only it's the women too who clean the system, don't want to work or anything, sickens me the free hand out's going, while i knock my pan out trying to make a living to build my own place, 80% of the men go to the pub get pissed and thats it, Not for me, i like to get out too, and experience nature, hunting, and the joys that come with it. So you hang in LG and i'm sure mr right won't be long in finding you.

FAIR PLAY both too for having the balls (PARDON THE EXPRESSION) to talk about such openly...... :yes: Snap Shot..

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Well ladies i have to take my hat of to you both, fair play to ye for getting of your arses and doing something about it,

Over this side of the water it's the same only it's the women too who clean the system, don't want to work or anything, sickens me the free hand out's going, while i knock my pan out trying to make a living to build my own place, 80% of the men go to the pub get pissed and thats it, Not for me, i like to get out too, and experience nature, hunting, and the joys that come with it. So you hang in LG and i'm sure mr right won't be long in finding you.

FAIR PLAY both too for having the balls (PARDON THE EXPRESSION) to talk about such openly...... :yes: Snap Shot..


Oh aye, I can just see them flocking over and lining up for the girl with 3 weans, who spends more time in wellies than skirts and likes opera just as much as pop :no: Only thing I've got going for me is my interest in chasing bunnies et al with my doglets. Well, that and my winning smile :tongue2:


Plenty of women round here who sit about on their duffs all day, taking because the gov't gives to them no questions asked. Seems to be a worldwide epidemic - things weren't much different in Canada either. I grew up in a huge multicultural city and the only problem I've ever had with other people was their ignorance or lack of vision. If someone contributes and does their best you really can't fault them no matter where they come from. Anyone who does is small minded imo.

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