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BBC panorama tonight

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Too many mates ex forces and still serving, nothing but respect from me... never served a day in my life but been very close to a few of them and seen the mental and physical scans from war first hand

What do people think the job of the special forces is ? Hearts and minds ? Build schools  ? Give out food parcels ? No it’s to covertly close and kill the enemy, particularly those at the top of vario

I would like to see the bbc do a documentary on how Tony Blair ended up being worth £ 50 million.                        The Real war criminals are Bush , Blair and the people how controlled them .

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Typical BBC hack job - anti British biased :thumbdown:


They say that the groupings of shots from British soldiers into the guest house walls were around 75cm from the floor 'as if the inhabitants were killed while sitting on the floor' :hmm:

 ........ of course, they couldn't have been kneeling while firing at our boys with one of the AK47s that were found in there eh :hmm:


I'd like to see one of these 'SAS death squads' do a number on the feckin Panorama offices :yes:


Remember the trial by media of this bloke?............


Latest news updates on Sergeant Blackman's story and prison release after the Daily Mail appeal to free...


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  On 13/07/2022 at 05:15, Jonjon79 said:

Typical BBC hack job - anti British biased :thumbdown:


They say that the groupings of shots from British soldiers into the guest house walls were around 75cm from the floor 'as if the inhabitants were killed while sitting on the floor' :hmm:

 ........ of course, they couldn't have been kneeling while firing at our boys with one of the AK47s that were found in there eh :hmm:


I'd like to see one of these 'SAS death squads' do a number on the feckin Panorama offices :yes:


Remember the trial by media of this bloke?............


Latest news updates on Sergeant Blackman's story and prison release after the Daily Mail appeal to free...



Deserved everything that came his way imho 

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  On 13/07/2022 at 06:30, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

Deserved everything that came his way imho 


Fair enough mate - you know a lot more about these things than me :thumbs:


I've never been in the military so, to me, it just sounded like he hastened the end that was already coming for an enemy fighter.

 ........ it's hard to have any sympathy for them when they go around chopping heads off on YouTube videos.

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just reading the words panorama wrote in that report angers me...

"and unassuming man"..."a bear of a man"....

they are suggesting these men are innocent...which they could be...but equally they may not be...

just stirring up shit making out our lads are guilty...

to my way of thinking if you send the sas in to a place to kill terrorists ...then there going to do exactly that...

jobs f****d ain't it

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To me it's like the difference between a street fight and a boxing match. In a street fight there are no rules. Adrenalin is through the roof, you try and render your opponent  harmless by fair means or foul. In a boxing match, it's strictly marquess of Queensberry rules and you are lowlife if you gouge , use the head etc. 

There's got to be rules in warfare governed by the Geneva convention.

In any uniformed organisation,imo, you will get let's say, 5% sadists and psychos whether it's the cops or the army. This minority love being absolute c**ts. They have go to be controlled by  strict enforceable rules.

Leeway should be given to any squaddie who fucks up in the heat of the moment but at the end of the day you can't have british soldiers murdering people.

As I say, maybe I sound naive. But I believe in old fashioned british values even if I sound like captain Mainwearing. 

Never forget chaps, we are british and have to show and example! ?‍♂️

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It haven’t watched it and probably won’t. But let’s not pretend that rules of engagement and rules of war aren’t twisted and overlooked by tier 1 units historically. DEVGRU have a bit of a reputation. How many of the hostage takers at princes gate were actually armed? Etc

I think operating at that level and with such infamy can and sometimes does lead to cultures of exceptionalism and that can and does lead to immorality. At the same time, these units will be the ones that are asked to cross moral lines when it is deemed necessary by their commanders.

I simply don’t have an opinion because there’s way too much to need to understand.

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I think you have to make a distinction between big operation combat units deployed en masse on the ground and highly specialised SF operatives who are getting sent to iron out the most dangerous shit c**ts on the planet…..sometimes you just have to rinse people !!

We ain’t sending blokes with millions of quids worth of training behind them who live their life on 15 minutes to move to be cricket umpires…..we are sending them to do the violence that lets us sleep safe at night ! 

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Listening to that last nighrmakes you think why were they there in the first place if all them innocent afgans didnt have guns and as for planting weapons how the fxck would they know how many to take arnt the sas loaded with kit to begin with

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  On 13/07/2022 at 07:16, TOMO said:

just reading the words panorama wrote in that report angers me...

"and unassuming man"..."a bear of a man"....

they are suggesting these men are innocent...which they could be...but equally they may not be...

just stirring up shit making out our lads are guilty...

to my way of thinking if you send the sas in to a place to kill terrorists ...then there going to do exactly that...

jobs f****d ain't it


But we're they all exactly terrorists,....that is the issue,they shot 9 family members in one house,but found only 4 guns ,and all had their hands bound when shot,how would the four be able to use the guns while handcuffed and then ,why were the other 5 killed,....by all means any Isis/terrorist should just be culled no 2cd chance but not inocent folk,no matter what race they are

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Do folks seriously believe that people who blow up Saturday shoppers and commuters train and buses, who fly planes into building are going to respond to being invited for afternoon tea and a sensible conversation ? 

The Taliban were going into villages and shooting toddlers for f**k sake…..what exactly is anyone going to say to them ? 

Id be highly disappointed if the SAS wasn’t going round the planet and ruining these people without mercy ! 

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  On 13/07/2022 at 12:48, jigsaw said:

But we're they all exactly terrorists,....that is the issue,they shot 9 family members in one house,but found only 4 guns ,and all had their hands bound when shot,how would the four be able to use the guns while handcuffed and then ,why were the other 5 killed,....by all means any Isis/terrorist should just be culled no 2cd chance but not inocent folk,no matter what race they are


How do you sort out who is innocent and who isn’t in that situation ?

Do we just have to leave it upto the men who have experience on the ground to make their best judgement and trust them to keep us safe by rinsing all the arseholes ?…….I think we do.

As my old man used to say, some people only understand one language.

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