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How some people have the audacity to moan that our country is becoming like the third world when they openly welcome the third world into our country is beyond my logic !

They inherited low inflation, low mortgage rates tied to low interest rates. 14k police, but an untold number of illegal and legal immigrants, countering all investment in NHS schools etc. G

Labour were apoplectic with the Tory's planned NI rise....... Now Labour are apoplectic that the planned NI rise is cancelled ! Labours default setting is simply to oppose anything the Tory'

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  On 06/09/2022 at 13:44, DIDO.1 said:

Being part of a system that values eternal economic growth as a measure of a successful country is the reason we are in such a mess. 



So here's the thing about economic growth, there's two ways of achieving it. First way is the easy way, you want to produce more widgets then you just increase the number of people making widgets = growth!

Also = economic growth dependant on population growth = no per capita growth and is fundamentally unsustainable.

The second way is fund R&D to optimise production and innovate better more desirable products = growth!

We don't have to give up market economics, we just have to approach it sustainably. Places like India and China have to lean on the first way as their resource is bodies. We don't! We shouldn't! As a nation we are innovators and often on a shoe string budget.

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  On 06/09/2022 at 13:55, JBs Left Peg said:

It’s always profit before people when what any gov should be striving for is to give its people a good standard of living as cheaply as possible ie




Power Stations


Public Transport

and only charge British citizens what ever it costs to service these industries and keep them updated but with zero profit.

It should be people first not greedy politicians and corporations fleecing us.

If what’s happening this last couple years re Covid and at present re fuel and gas leccy ect don’t make people think on we well fooked .


As much as I like the idea of nationalised for the benifit of the people principal.....in reality it would never work due to the people running the nationalised service have proved themselves time after time to have no interest in the good of the indigenous people.

Look at the NHS.....it's an unsustainable money pit. Would you let the same people run our energy or rail service? 

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  On 06/09/2022 at 13:52, Born Hunter said:

So here's the thing about economic growth, there's two ways of achieving it. First way is the easy way, you want to produce more widgets then you just increase the number of people making widgets = growth!

Also = economic growth dependant on population growth = no per capita growth and is fundamentally unsustainable.

The second way is fund R&D to optimise production and innovate better more desirable products = growth!

We don't have to give up market economics, we just have to approach it sustainably. Places like India and China have to lean on the first way as their resource is bodies. We don't! We shouldn't! As a nation we are innovators and often on a shoe string budget.




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  On 06/09/2022 at 21:08, JBs Left Peg said:

What’s up you getting your slice of FA lol

A Petition of over 100k signatures used to be the benchmark for debating the said subject .

That would be a start .

Personaly do you think GB should be handing over foreign aid the state we are currently in ?


We should have gunboats and fighter jets patrolling the channel and turning these f***ing parasites into fish food 

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  On 06/09/2022 at 21:14, WILF said:

We should have gunboats and ...


Those old 'Pill Box' emplacements ever piqued your interest, Wilf? (Bear with me ;))

I actually have quite a select little shelf of books here, about such matters. One is a book by David Lampe. " The Last Ditch ". It's all about, basically, the plans we had for when the nazi's hit our shorelines.

One thing that stands out ~ I don't remember now if it was actual, or just a propaganda rumour we started. I think there might even have been said to have been a kernel of truth in it. But, that it's ever been officially hushed up.

Thing is; We were said to have got a pipeline out. Forget where it was now. Kent? Anyway, hell of a good place for a landing.

And, the idea was, they'd pump oil through this pipeline, as the landing crafts appeared. And torch the fukking lot! :D

It's a brilliant read, the verbatim of the radio broadcast we put out to them! " Oh! Look, Hans! The sea is burning! I am burning! The Oberstleutnant is doing rather nicely as well! "

I'm sat here, LMFAO even as I type that last bit! Fukking Legend!

I'd love to ask your Jordan Peterson where the fukking hell's the logic in where we're at now! I'm Yet to hear, or figure out, a working response, frankly :(

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