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new to gundogs

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I am new to gundogs, as the title suggests, and will not be getting one until at least one of my great danes shrugs off the mortal coil.

In the meantime I want to get as prepared as possible. I am going to see a gundog trainer in my area when I get back home, offshore at the moment, and will be trying techniques on my youngest dane, he needs more obedience training anyway and he does love to fetch dummies for me, but I would like to get some good reading material.


Therefore my question is 'What are some good training books for gundogs'?


Not just spaniels but for a wide range of gundog types as I am not sure what type of dog I want or need yet (hence the chat with the trainer on my return as he does lots of different styles of shooting).


I have tried a search for the answer on here, as I am sure someone else has asked the question previously, but I could not find what I wanted.


All help would be much appreciated as I don't even know how different styles of dogs work at the moment. As I said I am completely new to this. I have two terriers which I work along with two ferrets and I want to have another good reason to spend more time with dogs and fresh air!


Thank you in advance,



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I would say the type of dog you're after would depend on what you wanted to do with the dogs ? If you want to go roughshooting and or beating then spaniel would be ideal, then there is the choice of cocker or springer as both are different, then if you would be doing a lot of driven shooting and picking up, and have less time to spend training bein off shore etc perhaps a retriever woud suit you better ? A chat with a trainer and doing your homework first is an excellent idea and will stand you in good stead ;)


Good books in general :-Joe Irving Gundog their learning chain, Martin deeley basic and advanced books.


Spaniels - Mike Smiths book working springers and cockers, Moxon, or Keith Erlandson


Retrievers - Susan Scales or nigel man book




Edited by druimmuir
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thanks for replying Nicola, nice to see some are still willing to help a newbie. I will be trying to get those books when I get home.


I have looked at your website in the past and you have some good looking dogs, especially your brown cocker, do you plan on having any cocker pups in the next couple of years or are you only breeding the springers?

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thanks for replying Nicola, nice to see some are still willing to help a newbie. I will be trying to get those books when I get home.


I have looked at your website in the past and you have some good looking dogs, especially your brown cocker, do you plan on having any cocker pups in the next couple of years or are you only breeding the springers?

Joe Irving ... Training Spaniels ....Gundogs Learning Chain


Keith Erlandson Training Spaniels


Regards Steve

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thanks for replying Nicola, nice to see some are still willing to help a newbie. I will be trying to get those books when I get home.


I have looked at your website in the past and you have some good looking dogs, especially your brown cocker, do you plan on having any cocker pups in the next couple of years or are you only breeding the springers?



Hi Steve


Yes there are plans to have a cocker litter, but not until Scotland has an exemption for tail docking, I will not breed full tailed spaniels, so there might be a fair delay, however Salmond made promises pre the election so we need to start campaigning again for the right to dock working pups. He is however v v nicely bred so he might get a few english girlfriends ;) beforemy own bitch, just don't tell her :whistling:




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thanks for replying Nicola, nice to see some are still willing to help a newbie. I will be trying to get those books when I get home.


I have looked at your website in the past and you have some good looking dogs, especially your brown cocker, do you plan on having any cocker pups in the next couple of years or are you only breeding the springers?



Hi Steve


Yes there are plans to have a cocker litter, but not until Scotland has an exemption for tail docking, I will not breed full tailed spaniels, so there might be a fair delay, however Salmond made promises pre the election so we need to start campaigning again for the right to dock working pups. He is however v v nicely bred so he might get a few english girlfriends ;) beforemy own bitch, just don't tell her :whistling:





What did salmond promise nicola?

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Salmond made promises to concern himself with issues affecting rural life in scotland, the SNP party has pledged funding to a vets study into tail damage and we are hoping this may make them realise that we need an exemptin for working dogs in scotland....


To quote one of his points “In general terms, the focus of recent legislation has been on stopping things in rural Scotland. We need a more positive agenda, where the effort is directed at making things happen for the good of rural communities "


However we need to make the voices heard that issues affecting shooting etc in Scotland have not gone away, laws may have been passed but they can be changed we just need to fight for them :boxing:







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