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Wee update now it's November

Absolutely over the moon with this last mating.... And I knew in my heart and soul it should click not only on paper if that ever mattered but especially and most importantly a long history of work on both sides. But never as good as it did...

Everything I have ever wanted in working terriers at such a young age with absolutely no encouragement whatsoever...I'm a pest controller and these pups never even seen a rat... they have been treated like a working terrier from the first day I started this post...but not in the sense of taking them out to do absolutely any of the stuff most people do... 

Yes they have been put in the terrier boxes every day and taken walks...

But mostly on roads or free running of the leads on farms or walked a lot on roads...they have been shot over at the pigeons but not great at a retrieve il admit.... But absolutely none of this pegging out stuff or anything.

First to go on their first day out was the big white pup... He was only young dog in van as I don't have to bring them all at the one time so he was being a bit over boisterous over them all so my big friend now owns him and he works flat out so decided he would go out that day and see where he's at as in ... Is he ready, is he mature blah blah...

First time self entered... Not a big place by any means.. but a 3 eyer on a hawthorn bank and the tubes are pretty big....

Found straight away and worked for over 45 minutes before the fox decided it was time to settle up in a tight spot and tell the pup who was boss... Hmm pup was up for the eviction and was in stamping the eviction notice... Got a pin on him finally at 0.9 and after lifting the top hat the fox decided enough was enough and got the hell out of Dodge and bolted like a greyhound out the traps... No guns or Nets and his fox made best... And good luck to him...I'm sure they will both meet again soon 😉.....


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The black and white bitch..

Well what can I say... She came out the exact shape and size I could have wished for.... Lovely bitch quiet and shy like her grandad but that I'm a dog type if you know what I mean...

Always liked her and she always like her mother like a Springer always on the go great nose sharp as a tack... very biddable but just likes to enquire into everything...very smart.

Walked her down into a spot that always does well for me and plenty of fox pads in the muck around the gate and mucky areas as wee walked down the field brought an old black bitch who knows her job 100 percent and young bitch of mine.. way down dogs picking up scent and young bitch is switched on... So collar on her and she's allowed to check as she's pulling on lead... Travels first day... Away for around 5 minutes shows and says no...so collar on old bitch and she's allowed the final say... She gone about 10 minutes and I bet she finds way out in the field as young bitch first time and I was even buzzing with her travelling.... 

She shows I was well impressed that it was empty the young bitch just knew... So we were missing a spot somewhere so took a detour and the old bitch on the lead took a mark... Young bitch was wailing..so put collar on young bitch and at 1.9  1 hour later... A fox accounted for... Know I'm walking about like an air bag went off in my chest 😊



Edited by stop.end
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