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there seems to be a lot of things said about a 4z net getting the netter in a state. i use allsorts of nets at night time with out the use of a torch and i can honestly say i find a 4z net no worse than any of the others i use be they 6z or hand made nets. what most netters use there nets for these days is whilst ferreting. they also use them as stop nets through hedges and whilst working woodland burys where they will of course pick up rubbish. This is true of any net. Its where the nets are being used that are causing the problem, not the nets make up that is at fault.


Most people who use long nets whilst ferreting forget that they wernt designed to be used for ferreting and as we all know rabbits make there home in some rubbish filled places. a long net was designed to be used as a barrrier in which to catch out feeding rabbits at night away from the hedge rows where most nets seem to be used these days.




a rabbit caught nicely in a 4z net. this net has 4inch full mesh and you can see clearly that the rabbits head has passed through the mesh and held by its shoulders. over the 25yrs ive been longnetting ive found if a rabbits head is through the mesh it will sit tight and not choose to bite your net to pieces as it would if a mesh was over its face.

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