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Jim barker and minshaws

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  On 28/06/2022 at 21:52, mC HULL said:

? there you go talking shit again ? your plymouth aren’t you ? i know lads 16 gone down there took  the piss ? all the lads from there do is try copper em scared to death ? 


16 year olds will take the piss with other 16 year olds but we're saying about grasses and grasses dissappear 

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Only ever seen the one dog in the flesh....was a very old dog at the time,the man that had it,used to be on here(well known and respected)..he  had run lurchers and dug terriers the lenght of the UK a

I had mine right back in the 90,s way back before Jim barker bred any, never seen any of his stuff and never heard of the man till the tinternet started. My old dog was  a grandson of vics blue, and t

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  On 28/06/2022 at 21:43, mC HULL said:

lads have allrounders don’t they ? 

ill be having days out this season on what mine a bred for 

but i’ll lamp or daytime 


Put your money where your mouth is and get to the matches and the comps... But you won't will you because your dogs are worse than average at what they're bred for. Lol. 

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  On 28/06/2022 at 21:50, Wideboy said:

Jaysus man, all joking aside, you’d want to go easy on using the word “baiting”. It making you come across like an anti. 


tell me this wideboy what is silly c**t shh going to beat a lurcher with a bull terrier at 



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  On 28/06/2022 at 21:54, W. Katchum said:

Might be funny but the big scar telling everybody your a snake ain’t, seriously ye wanna be careful what you say, folks doors have gone in off this site cos shite like that. And that’s a fact 


i’m good katch i don’t worry about that never have 


?taken on board 

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  On 28/06/2022 at 22:26, mC HULL said:

your thinking ya funny let’s see what effort you put in your dogs ? or does a fatty do more ?


Its none of your business what I do or don't do with my dogs, your the bragger here not me, I've nothing to prove to a halfwit like yourself. 

Like i said you keep offering lads bets that don't keep plodders but ain't got the balls to put your money down where it counts and that says all I need to know about you and the dogs you keep. 

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