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Roe v wade overturned

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When your country deems that a women who is raped will get a heavier charge for aborting that baby, than the man who raped her. You know you’re f*cking backwards. Religion has a lot to answer for but

In my opinion,...Its much the same as with euthanasia for folk who are in constant pain...? So many folk trying to dictate, what is right or morally wrong for others,...lovely, comfortable positi

as blokes we can have an opinion of course....but the reality is we can't put ourselves in the woman's position....so our opinion counts for f**k all really ...

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There's no answer to it. No right no wrong. We can only find an acceptable middle ground. 

In many cases the issue has been hijacked by feminists and the political left. "my body my choice"....its amazing how many would use that argument then call for mandatory vaccination. 

Personality I would agree with early term abortion in most cases. I think it's borderline evil to allow late term abortion for most if not all cases. 

Many women use abortion as a form of birth control and that just can't be right. 

I personally believe the man should be given a say in the matter. If a woman can demand money from a man for maintenance then he should also be allowed a say if a woman wants to have his later term baby cut up without anaesthetic. 


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  On 25/06/2022 at 18:45, gnipper said:

If I was in that position I wouldn't bring it up nor would I want to subject the kid to a life in care. Imagine how that kid would feel too being the product of a rape and knowing some dirty pervert is responsible for 50 percent of its dna.


There's plenty of children born of rape,you should go look an see what they say,they deserve to be alive just as much as me an you gnipper

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  On 25/06/2022 at 19:22, TOMO said:

as blokes we can have an opinion of course....but the reality is we can't put ourselves in the woman's position....so our opinion counts for f**k all really ...


Our opinion does count tomo,it takes two to make a baby,it's the father's baby just as much as the mothers,allowing women to have abortions willy nilly is an abomination,especially late term abortions.

It's an emotional subject an there's no winners in abortion,everyone's hurt,but I'd say 95% percent of abortions have nothing to do with rape.

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  On 25/06/2022 at 19:33, Francie said:

Our opinion does count tomo,it takes two to make a baby,it's the father's baby just as much as the mothers,allowing women to have abortions willy nilly is an abomination,especially late term abortions.

It's an emotional subject an there's no winners in abortion,everyone's hurt,but I'd say 95% percent of abortions have nothing to do with rape.


our opinion only counts in a committed relationship...

a casual relationship or one night stand ..I don't think we get a say...

if the boot was on the other foot there would be different reply from most the men on this thread that agree with you francie

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There would be less abortions required if Catholic societies encouraged contraception and.protection. I agree that abortion is the woman's choice at the end of the day, I also don't think there's too many 'willy nilly' abortions going on, but looking at the UK teen pregnancy doesn't help society , certainly doesn't help the teens involved. There's lots of medical reasons for abortion as well. I think the religious nuts should keep their beaks out of it personally.....whether middle America Bible belt or the pope.

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  On 25/06/2022 at 20:32, TOMO said:

are they made up mostly of men..?


Not sure you can say that someone isn't entitled to their opinion due to their gender these days..... 

Are men who identify as women allowed an opinion on cutting up live babies? ?‍♂️

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Easy enough for men and women telling other people what the should be able do with there own body when they should keep there f***ing nose out , most them Jesus loving knobs anyway giving it all that preaching bollox , who are they to judge people when they believe in a made up man making made up miracles and a made up heaven it’s the woman body and for someone to say that if a woman been raped she should then have to carry that baby inside her then birth it then put it up for adoption is plain stupid ,the woman has just had one the worst thing to happen to a woman , now she’s relive that moment everyday while  his offspring grows inside her, 

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  On 25/06/2022 at 21:27, Elchapo said:

Easy enough for men and women telling other people what the should be able do with there own body when they should keep there f***ing nose out , most them Jesus loving knobs anyway giving it all that preaching bollox , who are they to judge people when they believe in a made up man making made up miracles and a made up heaven it’s the woman body and for someone to say that if a woman been raped she should then have to carry that baby inside her then birth it then put it up for adoption is plain stupid ,the woman has just had one the worst thing to happen to a woman , now she’s relive that moment everyday while  his offspring grows inside her, 


the raped women can go for a morning after pill before needing an abortion

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  On 25/06/2022 at 19:24, DIDO.1 said:

There's no answer to it. No right no wrong. We can only find an acceptable middle ground. 

In many cases the issue has been hijacked by feminists and the political left. "my body my choice"....its amazing how many would use that argument then call for mandatory vaccination. 

Personality I would agree with early term abortion in most cases. I think it's borderline evil to allow late term abortion for most if not all cases. 

Many women use abortion as a form of birth control and that just can't be right. 

I personally believe the man should be given a say in the matter. If a woman can demand money from a man for maintenance then he should also be allowed a say if a woman wants to have his later term 



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It’s amazing really, a group of men, making decisions and statements about something that will never really effect them. 

It is fundamentally messed up to force women to bring a baby into this world when they don’t want it / can’t care for it.

Would it not make a bit more sense to ensure the vast number of abused / marginalised / unloved children are looked after before we start worrying about a featus. 

So Francis / Dido / whoever. If you had a bright, smart and happy 17 year old daughter with bright future ahead of her and she got raped by a Pakistani grooming gang ...... you would think that the right way to progress would be to make your daughter have that child, f*ck her future and bring yet another unwanted baby into the world.

Our population is way too big. Our world is full of evils. I think the last thing we should be worrying about is the abortion of babies on a case by case basis. . . . Just because a bunch of old bigoted white men in suits say so. 

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