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Introducing new kit to older jill

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Just some advice please I’m trying to get my new kit and my older jill to live with eachother so I separated the double story hutch into 2 singles and like people have told me I’ve let them out together for a few minutes under my supervision and the kit (9 weeks)starts crying and tries to get milk obviously it must miss its mother however my jill doesn’t know how to react and is quite shook by the fact this kit is crying so she either tries to pick it up by the scruff or like she has just done vigorously try and bite it.At this moment in time it looks like it could take months for them to get used to eachother, any ideas what I should do? Or should I wait until she is older and maybe they will get along. Cheers??

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Agree with previous comments, you are doing the right thing and there's no rush. Be prepared that it may always be a little tempestuous between them. Ferrets don't always click. I prefer to get kits in pairs so they have always have a companion. Just to be sure the kit is 9 weeks as she should be 3 weeks past weaning completely off mums milk . And Working backwards that's from a mating date in late February which is pretty early IMO. She might be younger, Two of my current Jill's were rescues at about 6 weeks of age, they were very needy for contact, human or ferret. Good luck, hopefully with regular meetings they'll be living together soon

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Start swapping their bedding around and wait till the kit is older. I have done it a few times and been lucky.  They will still fight but not as much. Keep a spray bottle handy with water in it and spray them if one latches onto the other one. Done this a few times it helps and has not effected the ferrets in any way. Good luck with it. 

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