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Nite Site zeroing problem solved

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I posted on here a while back, explaining I had a problem I couldn't get my head around; I was having to re-zero my scope whenever I fitted the viper - with test shots always being wide of the point of aim.

I've now worked out that I had been canting the rifle. Because I never took care to mount the screen perfectly plumb to the windage on the scope, I was holding the ns screen level but the rifle was of course canted as a consequence.

Now I know to dial in the windage by adjusting the vertical position of the screen, or better still; make permanently corresponding marks on the scope tube and ns screen mount.

I feel pretty stupid now. Oh well.

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Don't feel stupid fella, I have used NiteSite Viper and Wolf for years and whilst I have not had your issue, these things can catch you out. Not so popular nowadays with all the Pard units out there and the company closed down a couple of years ago, there is someone on facebook who carrys a large stock of spares. I also use a Pard 007 but nothing beats the nitesite for ratting and scanning an area, I would not get rid of both my units, far too useful.


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Went to the midland game show , niteshit were there showing the original niteshit when the first came out . I picked fault in it straight away with the big screen lighting up you face . Pard came out 007 and put niteshit to sleep , never kept up with the times 

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  On 17/06/2022 at 17:20, villaman said:

Went to the midland game show , niteshit were there showing the original niteshit when the first came out . I picked fault in it straight away with the big screen lighting up you face . Pard came out 007 and put niteshit to sleep , never kept up with the times 


True although I believe they have reformed the company with a slightly different name with a new range of near eye nv units, they are proberbly importing from China some 007 copy.


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 I just like the heads-up shooting position. It's very comfortable and perfect for static ratting. All I need to compliment it is a basic thermal spotter.

A question for Pard users: Is it possible to mount a screen on top of the unit, so that it works like the Nite Site? 

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  On 18/06/2022 at 05:47, LuckOrJudgement said:

 I just like the heads-up shooting position. It's very comfortable and perfect for static ratting. All I need to compliment it is a basic thermal spotter.

A question for Pard users: Is it possible to mount a screen on top of the unit, so that it works like the Nite Site? 


Perhaps some clever lad on electronics may be able to do it but why would you when the NiteSite does it anyway. I used to shoot around 1000 rats per year at our dairy farm and both my buddy and myself used NiteSite as we are always scanning those dark corners and whilst my pal has 008 and 007 units and loves them, even he would not part with his NiteSite for ratting, far far easier to have a quick sweep of the rifle at waist height than near eye system. 


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