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Guest Lurcherbitch

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Guest Lurcherbitch

I am taking a dog to wales on sat & the guy does a bit of shooting, so is giving me a few pheasant to bring home. (dead n ready to cook).

Well as i am not the best cook in the world, actually would qualify for the worst :icon_redface: , was wondering if you had any good recipies for this game?

Easy ones please :D Oh n are they ok to freeze?.

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Guest lifeisloud

cant beat a good bit of pheasant curry, brown the outsides of the legs and thighs in a frying pan. then put in curry sauce and cook for about an hour or till the meet is tender and have it with rice

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  • 1 month later...
Guest ferretman

Lucky you, pheasant is still, in my mind one of the easiest and most tasty of the game birds to cook and store.


yes they are fine in the freezer either whole or jointed. Obviously defrost properly before use.


To cook,


some sugestions I have tried include:-

roasting the breasts wrapped in smoked bacon {about 20-25 mins gas 3-4}

serve with a god gravy or wine sauce {reduce 3 glasses of red wine until you have about 1-1 1/2 glases left, add chopped onion or shallot cook for 2-3 mins, then add about 2 oz of cold butter in small pieces, whisking it until disolved}


Roasted whole birds:- in the oven wrap the breasts again in bacon and cook for 30-40 mins {gas 4} until juices run clear


Caseroled pheasant:- {jointed or whole this will work equally as well} gently seal the pheasant in a hot pan and place in a caserole dish


add root veg, chopped into the pan and seal them until gently coloured

add to caserole dish


de-glaze pan with wine, stock cube or even water {ie; whilst pan is hot, pour smal amount of chosen liquid o pan and get all the bits off the surface}


Add this liquid to the caserole dish and top up to just below the level of the bird in the dish


Cook at gas mk 3 for about an hour and half or at gas mk 1 for 3hours or longer.


Add dumplings to caserole 1/2 hr before cooking ends and serve


Happy eating.


These are recipies I have used and developed my self, I find that red wine goes better with pheasant, they also work with venison and rabbit.


Other recipies that are good include Clarrissa Dixon-wright's game cook book


If I can help any more

e-mail me


kevin b ;)

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