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Two lurchers one kennel!

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i am thinking of getting another dog but i was wondering what dogs are like in the kennel with each other because ive only ever had one dog and bitches


i will be keeping my two bitches seperate from the dogs because of their season and that but was wondering if anyone kept their dogs with each other and if they will get on....i spoke to someone yesterday and they said that if i kept a dog with my other dog they will probably fight...i wanna know your views lads/lasses





mate i.v got three dogs in my run with two kennels it is 22ft long and 5ft wide thuogh
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i would never keep two dogs in together under any circumstances i had a mate who had a very good terrier get killed by a lurcher a few years back and they were kenneled together for years it only takes a minute for a working dog to get fired up over the least little thing and then its either too late or a big vet bill :thumbdown:

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i would never keep two dogs in together under any circumstances i had a mate who had a very good terrier get killed by a lurcher a few years back and they were kenneled together for years it only takes a minute for a working dog to get fired up over the least little thing and then its either too late or a big vet bill :thumbdown:

what rubbish roystoncrankted you dont have any mates so you must be lying!!!


and you wont either iff ya keep having ya builder turn up at six in morning to start on ya kennels in pissing down rain then turn ya mobile off and wake up at ten oclock peeking out of ya dirty windows looking like a ferret coming out of a bale of straw ya rodney wunt you hahahhhaahahha

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i would never keep two dogs in together under any circumstances i had a mate who had a very good terrier get killed by a lurcher a few years back and they were kenneled together for years it only takes a minute for a working dog to get fired up over the least little thing and then its either too late or a big vet bill :thumbdown:

what rubbish roystoncrankted you dont have any mates so you must be lying!!!


and you wont either iff ya keep having ya builder turn up at six in morning to start on ya kennels in pissing down rain then turn ya mobile off and wake up at ten oclock peeking out of ya dirty windows looking like a ferret coming out of a bale of straw ya rodney wunt you hahahhhaahahha

you two seem like good freinds :icon_eek::hmm:

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i would never kennel bitches or dogs together if it could be helped. anyone that says bitches are fine pened together or dogs together are asking for trouble. ive seen sisters kill each other, brothers flog the piss out of each other, grandmothers and granddaughts go at it. non of the fights were over food either, fights over food are nothing normaly one dog backs down real quick its when they fight to be pack leader that they go to the death given the chance. it might be fine for 4 or 5 years then when it happens without warning it gets very messy. ive got a bitch at the vets now that was pack leader second to me for 8 years, i had my dogs running around in a acre pen while i was home when one bitch thought she would have a go at the old bitch and got her of her feet, the rest of the dogs joined in and pretty much killed her. its cost alot of money to save the tuff old bitch. it took 3 years to start and all happend very quick without warning once it was on

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Take a look at a pack of hounds as many as you like.Just make sure they no who is the boss.


Hounds have been selectively bred for hundreds of years to be pack dogs, lurchers and terriers are very much individuals.

Saying that i kept two lurcher and one terrier bitches together and they never had a fight. My mate has three whippet bitches and they will kick off and try to kill one, normally without any warning.


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should be ok as long as the new dog is kenneled with the old one from a young age they will have usually have a few scuffels as he grows up but these usually fade out a bit once they have worked out who is boss. a mate has two dogs together and they are fine.

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