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Safest way to drop Female H/h weight!


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Obviously you don't have a mentor. You can't man a bird properly at fat weight. Why would you want to man it and drop it's weight at this time of year? The bird should be freelofted if possible in a seclusion/ quiet pen where it can moult in piece. The cover and leaves are high and all quarry species are breeding, there is no point in flying it at this time of the year unless you are carrying out bird control.

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  On 03/06/2022 at 00:02, KEZ'77' said:

Hi I'm just wondering safest way too drop b.o.p weight? I've finally got my own bird, I've manned her,she going too be cracking bird, thanks for reading this, keep smiling onwards and upwards people 


Easiest way is to give it someone who noes what there doing , good luck 

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Hi Thank you for the info ? she is free lofted, an in seculusion mews, she has been "manned" by someone else) my mentor,that's exactly what he told me to do, I'm just bit keen, thats all, I have quarry down the road waiting for her(bit like showing yr Mrs "good shops" you anserw Ed my other question as well "should I teather her?," want to know "pros and cons, the h/h I have has caught" fur and feather, she spent alot of time with her owner, she quiet as a mouse now,,,,this is my first B. O. P, keep smiling onwards and upwards ? 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  On 27/06/2022 at 16:15, Foxdropper2 said:

Seems simple enough question .Why dosnt someone take the time to answer it .Dosnt mean he’s going out tomorrow just getting prepared .


Giving advice over the internet isn't really a good idea regarding BOP and especially with regard to weight management.

The person advising can't see the bird in question or feel its keel to see if it's fat or thin. Too much weight loss and the bird may well go low and possibly die.

Trying to man a hawk that is too fat can sometimes cause the bird to hate the person and can result in aggression.

The ideal solution for a beginner is to get someone who knows what they are doing locally, and who can give advice and tips on training/manning the hawk with a hands on approach.

Unfortunately it's the hawk that will suffer if the beginner gets it wrong.

Just my opinion.


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