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Texas shooting

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Yep I'm all for freedom but children shouldn't be allowed weapons without supervision, and I can't fathom a reason to be able to own a military weapon unless you're in the military or living in Ukraine or some other war torn country...

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What’s incompatible is that the shooter was in contact with the police prior to entering the school . 

and it took them an hour to put feet into the building 

shameful imho 

the Arrival of a border patrol tactical officer seems lost in the irony also . If the likes of a o c had their way , that trained geezer would be selling lattes at Starbucks 2 years ago 

just seen also that whilst many celebs have posted in support in social media etc , (the usual thoughts and prayers nonsense) the queen of hearts Meaghan Markle has taken it upon herself to visit the town . What f***ing planet are these people on ? Of what relevance is she to any of this ? 
is she seriously trying to do her best Diana impression or what ? 

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Angeli Rose Gomez, who rushed to the school where her second and third grade children are enrolled, said she...

You want something done, do it yourself. Well done her! She just walked in and took her kids out!?

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  On 27/05/2022 at 10:08, Neobliviscaris1776 said:

Angeli Rose Gomez, who rushed to the school where her second and third grade children are enrolled, said she...

You want something done, do it yourself. Well done her! She just walked in and took her kids out!?


jesus just read some of that....its fecking harrowing .....just cant believe the cops did nothing...fair play to that mum....

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  On 27/05/2022 at 13:59, Neobliviscaris1776 said:

Interesting angle and true to an extent. Better security for schools in general seems common sense, so what's the hold up in providing better safety at schools?!



Most colleges in the states have ex cops or ex corrections officers as security officers .    Some  schools have hired ex combat veterans as security  and armed them appropriately .

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  On 27/05/2022 at 14:11, mackem said:

Cops did nothing because "they could have been shot" ?


Department of Safety Lt. Chris Olivarez made the astonishing comments during an...



During the floyd whatshisface saga it was stated by someone who actually wanted to find meaningful reform that training levels in US law enforcement varies enormously across the country and that that was the solution to police failures.

The above reason/excuse has cropped up more than once now. It’s an awful place to be in but it seems there needs to be a greater dispersal of capable ‘good guys with guns’ as standard LEOs just aren’t cutting it apparently. I’m sure many are up to it and we just aren’t hearing about them so much because they stop attacks before it becomes news worthy.

In response to marauding terrorist attacks in Europe, the units that were capable of ending an attack were brought forward to reduce reaction times.

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Putting aside emotion for a minute, it’s easy to sit here and say “I’d go charging single handed into a situation where a bloke has an AR15 while I myself am armed with nothing but a Glock and a big hat !” 

Them officers have families and kids at home, they don’t want to get wasted.

I think its Completely logical that they waited for people with the right kit to turn up.

As I have said all along, the blame will chucked in all sorts of directions except where the root of the problem actually lays.

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