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Is m parishs lucky the best of all time.

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  On 25/05/2022 at 09:14, sandymere said:

With mixed pedigree you always get the odd freak, good or bad but those rarely produce themselves for the  vary reasons they were produced.  Better a more stable gene pool to throw consistency. 


a lot a the same blood in both buddy and lucky further back but buddy has the better blood id say that blood has put out loads a great killers lucky was missing the charlie blood 

the more time buddy is in the pedigree the more chance a throwing a foxy again ? 

Edited by mC HULL
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lol.....lets be honest gene...your life partner  is wearing the trousers...  and there's no way he's letting you get a dog

Yeah, I feel the same fellah,...I don't really care whether a pup of mine goes to a working or a pet home, just as long as it is well cared for...?  I always try to gift pups to genuinely nice gu

If you’re dealing with decent fellas & you’re a decent sort yourself you’ll get a pup for free, it’s the ones charging a grand id be wary of

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  On 25/05/2022 at 12:54, Gene said:

That may be so mC but would Buddy have beat Lucky one on one?


Sometimes.  Better to judge dogs on multiple sessions over time to even out the good and bad days such as coursing stakes. I once beat Seb Coe in a race, does that make me the better runner?

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  On 25/05/2022 at 13:20, Gene said:

I'm not sure what you mean mate, didn't Lucky keel over a couple of times?

Any dog can be broken if run hard enough mate, I've seen hares pull away from a dog after it's done too much.

Now if I were daft enough I could slip said dog straight on another hare and it would probably either collapse or jack.

M.P said Lucky never jacked once, he collapsed, Buddy would have done the same if overmatched.


i’ve had a dog collapse never right again as you say won’t give up 

but dogs like say nipper could stop multiple hares from one slip be seen to run 5 hares one after the other and not stop or collapse 

i think lucky liked the good going like joe his sire and in these conditions would a been unbeatable on his day 

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Buddy was a poor/average dog bred out of a good bitch, only reason people used him was because CN owned him and he had a name about himself. Lucky was a masterpiece but got not credit because his owner wasn’t in the clique. Anyone who saw both dogs run will know this but as usual people talk about things they know nothing about

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  On 25/05/2022 at 13:33, Gene said:

I never saw any of them run, but didn't Lucky accidentally run more than one on the same slip in matches?

Did Buddy ever do the same?

I can't see a reason why Lucky wouldn't have been good in the slop pal, he looked a powerhouse of a dog when on a hare.


no doubt he was a class dog mate a great with a lovely style 

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  On 25/05/2022 at 13:56, Gene said:

The way he ran made it look like he wasn't trying, I mean, head up, playing with them, just made it look like a game.


good hare but 3 and half mins he fully commits what happens if he misses would he get back to it and he’s layed after it you think he’s going to try getting to one 200yds away after ? 

i don’t know about making them look like a game or playing with them mate 

maybe in good going?

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  On 25/05/2022 at 14:09, Gene said:

A question or two to be asked though mate, was that the first or last hare of the day, were they all taxing runs, was it a warm one, etc.

He was clearly spent though after that wasn't he.


looks a good wet day but not bottomless 

could of run before that but it’s not out the ordinary is it 

it took it out of him but some can go again an hour later even when layed up after a run ?

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  On 25/05/2022 at 17:09, Gene said:

Not sure if that last was legit, I mean videos can be edited. I'll take the man's word for it, she looked a quality bitch, wonder if she produced much.


Well a cynical person could say it were the same hare that she dropped and had 2 recatch it ,went over a bit easy that kind of thing ,but it's most likely legit ,some bitch that 

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  On 25/05/2022 at 18:03, Gene said:

Do you know the breeding of her and if she produced mate?


i think a lad on here bred her in ireland from an irish bred bitch and a pure saluki that brooke bred litter brother to that mars brookie bred them from his bitch asha dam to nero etc and khan i think greb 

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