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breeding my ferret

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hi ive bread ferrets 2 years ago so i know what im doing but i have 1 question.

ive got a pretty big jill and my m8s got a huge polecat hob and i want a huge hob to so whats the chances of gettin a big 1???

Why do you want a great big ferret, in my experence most people including myself keep and want small ones for working.

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Who knows really she may have 1 kit & that could be a jill

thanks for replys.i have 2 small jills and a small hob but i want a monster lol.like them big.ive found when u get a kill in a big hob pushes the rest away n comes out with them

what are you saying, the big hob pushes the small ferrets out and comes up with the rabbit or the ferrets. Because if it pushes away the small ferrets surely it will feast and take as long to surface. Or maybe you can train them to retreve?

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i dnt use a ferret finder so i have found that a big ferret pushes the other ferrets off the dead rabbit and comes out with them somtimes with rabbit others without

(2 of my m8s had big hobs and they done the same thats why i want 1) another reason why i want 1 is because i think the look mean as fcuk.(i do love my ferrets)

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i dnt use a ferret finder so i have found that a big ferret pushes the other ferrets off the dead rabbit and comes out with them somtimes with rabbit others without

(2 of my m8s had big hobs and they done the same thats why i want 1) another reason why i want 1 is because i think the look mean as fcuk.(i do love my ferrets)


do you mean a liner ?

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i dnt use a ferret finder so i have found that a big ferret pushes the other ferrets off the dead rabbit and comes out with them somtimes with rabbit others without

(2 of my m8s had big hobs and they done the same thats why i want 1) another reason why i want 1 is because i think the look mean as fcuk.(i do love my ferrets)


do you mean a liner ?


doesnt a liner mean using a line or a cord to locate the kill. maybe I'm wrong but havent done any thing like that for nearly $% years

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i dnt use a ferret finder so i have found that a big ferret pushes the other ferrets off the dead rabbit and comes out with them somtimes with rabbit others without

(2 of my m8s had big hobs and they done the same thats why i want 1) another reason why i want 1 is because i think the look mean as fcuk.(i do love my ferrets)


do you mean a liner ?


doesnt a liner mean using a line or a cord to locate the kill. maybe I'm wrong but havent done any thing like that for nearly $% years


well yes it was , but as the threads a bit unconventional i was thinking a big hob minus the line :laugh:

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The chances are big to get a big sized kit from the parents.


But you might consider if you really want a huge ferret.

Here in DK we had a man, who wanted the worlds biggest ferrets, for no other reasons other than he loved the big hobs.

But the ferrets got too big, weight about 3 kilos. (don't know how much in pounds) The ferrets couldnt lift their own weight, and got lazy and sick from not moving.

Some males that weigh about 2,5 kilos has the slightly same problems. Not all thow.

When they don't move and get lazy they are not good breeding ferrets either. As they can't last the long sexual act. They loose breath and don't "finish" the job proberly.


That is my experience with super large ferrets. I love hugging big sized hobs, but there is a limit, they can get too big.

For me an ideal fertile hob should weigh about 1,7 - 2 kilos. The jills should be under 1 kilo. About 8-900 grams.


If you want to breed big ferrets, then keep us informed as how it goes, and if there should be any problems or positive effects of it. :)

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ive got small ferrets plus a couple of big hobs . recently ive started working sand dune rabbits the warrens are really deep and the ferrets can go off the mk 3 15 ft depth gauge in no time . so the problem i was getting was my small ferrets which are good quick workers were getting on to the rabbits and killing in they were to deep to dig to so i just had to wait , then i stareted using the big ones they are slower they plod along , im sure the rabbits give them the runaround underground but they eventually bolt and i havent yet had to dig to the bigger ones . dont know if its just coincidence or wether there is something in it but i will keep using them this way .

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