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Buffalo New York supermarket shooting.

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I'm not saying I'm correct or accurate but this is just my gut feeling. 

First when you go along the 'they don't need this type of weapon' debate then you completely miss the American connection to guns. Guns and the right to guns is part of the American dna. I knew 2 yanks years ago from following the bulls in Spain. Neither were hunters or target shooters, neither were gun nuts. At the time I think california had banned fully auto guns. Both had bought numerous to store under their houses before the ban came in. They saw it as their duty, even though neither really had interests in guns or gun rights. Apparently there was a long waiting list for fully autos on the run up to the ban.....thousands were being bought. That's America! 

I think it's a massive mistake to take the guns without asking why its happening. Is it something to do with the oh so perfect American teenage image? Are these kids who are different and not perfect being left behind and bullied into these actions? As said why isn't it happening in other countries and communities like the nordic countries where all citizens are armed? Fairly sure iraqi and Afghani kids aren't blowing their class mates away. 

Computer games have to play a part in it. Has anyone seen call of duty? What about all this black music about popping caps in people's asses? 

It's true that you couldn't commit these actions with a knife, but you could fairly do some damage with a semi auto 12 bore. Will America ever get as far as banning them? Remember our last few atrocities were done with legal guns and they weren't fully auto military hardware. 

Yes control some of these guns off the streets but it's pointless without looking at why it's really happening. 

It's like throwing the book at some little white cub scout with a lock knife in his pocket because we can't admit that the huge majority of knife attacks are black kids who are going back to their tribal roots living in large ethnic communities, with no fathers in their lives while listening to gangsta rap. Nah let's have an amnesty and wank over taking a gat gun off the streets and put a decent young kid on a curfew cos he had a Swiss army knife. I know these things are different ends of the scale but both show the complete refusal to look at root causes. 

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hes just a f***ing coward....thats gone and murdered a load of inocent folk .....shame its not in a state where he could get the chair

i look at stuff like this ....and obviously my first thought is sorry for all the victims and there familys... but part of me also thinks about this kid ....i mean what kind of life is he about t

or perhaps you could just call them by there name if you happen to know it...or failing that sir or madam would suffice

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On 21/05/2022 at 16:47, mushroom said:

I understand everything you’re saying. For example a federal Europe is a terrible idea because we all have different cultures that have developed over thousands of years.

What I’m saying is, people are only different (in migrated to countries) because the emphasis has been on multi cultural, rather than intergrate the fuuck in ;)

Americans (imo) shouldn’t be differentiating between this and that, the idea of USA is that all are equal. The left is turning that upside down and teaching that it’s ok to be a savage and kill, act the cnut, mob riot etc because you’ve been oppressed by the white man. It’s a ridiculous concept.

There’s plenty black folk who shake their heads at this shit mate.

I dont disagree mate but America has a totally different history to ours and that whole " integration " thing amongst the massively incompatible groups we are having pushed on us in Europe is just unrealistic.

Besides which im rather happy to see unique people i dont want everyone to be the same i think native African people,native Japanese people,Suadi's wherever.....including Europeans should take delight in having privilege in their own nations and never need to apologise for demanding their own ancestral rights as unique groups of people

Edited by gnasher16
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